Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,134

tell she misses me. I miss her too.

So what else has happened since last I wrote?

Oh yeah—Steve’s ex-wife. I read things about her when I was doing my research and he’s right, he always comes across as the bad guy in their divorce. I never even questioned the tone of the information out there. Even when the truth is told, it can be worded in such a way that points a finger or exaggerates or understates or picks sides. I must be careful with my own phrasing in the book. The written word is arguably the most powerful tool on Earth. Too often it’s used to cause harm. I can tell it bothers Steve to always be portrayed as the one at fault for the breakup. I don’t think I’ll pry about it. I don’t want anyone to get hurt by something I write.

Dare said he might be able to talk the band into creating a song just for the book and letting me be a part of it. Wouldn’t that be cool? He came up with the idea. And he told me all sorts of stuff about their creative process. Sounds stressful. I hope they don’t throw things around the room. I’ll have to wear a helmet.

I need to remember to make a copy of Susan’s questions for Max. He didn’t like being put on the spot during the interview. Actually, if the guys are willing to sit there and write out answers, I should probably do the same for them all. They’ve been so great to me, I’d hate to be a pest. But damn, Susan is a total bitch. If I could show I already had all of her stupid questions answered, maybe she’d quit pestering me. Or maybe if I answered her text messages and told her to fuck off and leave me alone, she’d go away.

Highly doubtful.

Okay, I think Logan has slept long enough. I wonder if he’ll mind if I wake him up with a kiss.

On his cock. And let’s find out how much he likes a vibrator up his ass.




Needing something to do with her hands besides put them all over Logan, Toni switched on her video recorder to capture footage inside and outside the limo. After their thirty-six hour marathon of sex, fun, and more sex had come to a climactic end that morning, Toni thought she’d be able to concentrate on her work today. But all the man had to do was sit beside her and she was wondering how long she’d have to wait before she could get him naked.

Unfortunately, getting naked wouldn’t be happening soon. The line of Exodus End fans in front of the record store was five deep and wrapped around the block.

“Looks like we’ll be here for a while,” Logan said.

Darn. She hadn’t known what to expect at a record store signing in Billings, Montana. She should have known that fans would drive for miles for the privilege of meeting the band.

The limo drove around to the back of the store and the band members were escorted inside by Exodus End’s security team, which had arrived a few minutes before them. Once again Toni was allowed to follow them behind the scenes. They ended up in a storeroom where some woman fussed over Max’s hair for ten minutes. Toni snapped a couple of pictures, not sure if she’d include a chapter on preparation for public appearances, but it was better to collect too much information than not enough.

Noting that her video camera was already out of storage, Toni put a new memory card and freshly recharged batteries into the device, which she could also use to take still shots. Someone stepped up behind her, and she knew by the way her body yearned for his that the person was Logan.

“I am so horny right now,” he said into her ear. “And it’s all your fault. I can’t stop thinking about my cock in your mouth with that thing up my ass. You give the best wakeup calls.”

She grinned to herself. She liked her newfound power. That thing had been a prostate stimulator, and she was now an expert at its usage. She could set the man off like a rocket in seconds. If they’d been alone, she might have discreetly rubbed up against him, but she was still too skittish to do something that bold in public.

Once the band members were seated at a long table near the back of the store, security opened the entry Copyright 2016 - 2024