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she was met by a disgruntled, blue-eyed stare.

“What are you doing awake so early?” he asked.

“Just thinking that if last night was that much fun, today is going to be beyond great.”

“The only lessons I give before noon are for anal sex.”

Her butt cheeks tightened automatically. Yes, she’d enjoyed having a slender vibe back there, a finger or two, and even the occasional flick of his tongue, but she didn’t ever want to find out what it felt like to have his huge cock pounding the wrong hole.

“I’ll let you sleep then.”

He winked at her. “I’ll wear you down eventually.” He flipped onto his side and curled into his bunched pillow, while she spent the morning trying to convince herself that lots of prison inmates had anal sex. So how bad could it be?

May 5

Dear Journal,

Sorry I missed writing to you yesterday. I was really busy. First with interviews, then with Logan. I almost didn’t write again today, but my head is so full of thoughts right now, I can’t contain them. The same cannot be said for Logan. It’s almost noon and he’s still asleep. I didn’t want to disturb him on his day off, but I was starting to get bored, so I decided to write.

Yesterday I did all my interviews with the band. Most of what they told me can’t be used in the book. Figures, right? It’s good that they trust me enough to tell me their secrets, but I do need material I can actually include. There’s one secret incident that Reagan actually wants me to spill in the book. And I guess I don’t blame her.

A couple of weeks ago someone tried to kidnap and kill her. And the public doesn’t know about it. I can’t believe it was covered up. I Googled the incident before we arrived at the hotel and the full story isn’t online anywhere. There is a short report about Pyre Vamp assaulting someone and being arrested, but it doesn’t say who he assaulted or what happened. I didn’t think it was legal to cover up crimes and protect the culprit. And maybe it’s not. So I’m going to write something about it in the book. Hopefully it’ll make Reagan feel better. She seemed really upset that it’s being kept a secret. But I think she’d be more upset if her other secret became public.

Reagan admitted to me that she’s dating both Trey and Ethan—Ethan’s her bodyguard, by the way. Even more shocking is that Trey and Ethan have sex with each other too. So they have a committed threesome. I don’t get how that works exactly. I guess I’m dense. Logan said he’s had threesomes before and even suggested that Steve would be a willing participant if I wanted to try it, but I don’t think I’m brazen enough to be naked in front of two men. He also said something about him being with two women at once and while I might be okay with being intimate with another woman, I don’t think I’d be able to stand watching her touch Logan. He’s mine.

Or I want him to be. He guards his heart so fiercely, I’m afraid he’ll never let me in.

He did open up to me a little during our interview. He told me about his estrangement with his brother. I can tell that he’s hurt more than mad. Logan apparently feels that he was replaced in his brother’s life by his stepbrother. I was surprised the two of them never made amends—they’re brothers. I can’t imagine letting anything come between Birdie and me. Unfortunately, I don’t think Logan has ever told his brother how he feels. I guess that’s to be expected. Logan has a very hard time admitting his feelings to me too. He probably never even told his mom how hurt he was to be excluded from her happy little family. I guess his relationship with his dad is pretty distant as well. It’s no wonder he tries to keep me from getting too close. But too bad. I’m not backing away.

I talked to Birdie for a little bit this morning. She had to go to school, so we didn’t get to talk long. I feel bad that I’m on this assignment and left her at home. I know I need to make a life for myself, but surely there’s a way to include Birdie in it. I’ll have to think about it. She seems to be doing okay with Mom, but I can Copyright 2016 - 2024