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sweet as his Toni.

“What a bitch!” he said.

He began typing a response. Listen, bitch, IDK who u think u r bu—

Toni jerked her phone out of his hand and started backspacing to delete his message.

“Why are you deleting that?”

“You can’t send her a text like that. She’s my boss! I owe her my respect.”

Logan covered his eyes with one hand. “Your respect? She obviously doesn’t respect you. You don’t owe her a goddamned thing.”

“But she’s right.” Toni wrung her hands together in her lap. Her hair slid forward to hide her troubled expression. “I wouldn’t have this job if my mom didn’t own the company. I don’t have any experience. I do suck at this.”

He sat beside her and rubbed her back. “What are you talking about? You’re doing a great job.”

She shook her head. “I’m having too much fun to be doing a great job.”

“Just because work is fun doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. Unless you think my entire band is a failure.”

Her head snapped up. “Of course I don’t think that!”

“And I don’t think you’re going to fail. I hate to brag, but I’m an excellent judge of talent, and you, Ms. Nichols, are talented. Just look at how fast you learned how to give a fantastic hummer.”

“I’ll add it to my resume,” she said glumly.

He wasn’t going to let this drop until she was happy and smiling again, so she might as well stop resisting his attempts at a pep talk.

“Do you know how hard it is to get my bandmates to talk about their personal lives?”

She opened her eyes wide and nodded.

“And yet you got each of them to talk to you about things they never discuss with members of the press.”

“That’s because they don’t see me as a real journalist, so I’m obviously doing it wrong.”

“Or you’re doing it right and just don’t realize it. Like when we have sex. You worry that you aren’t doing it like everyone else does it, but when you forget to be anxious, you’re amazing.”

“I am?”


She smiled, and he swore the roof of the bus opened up, letting in rays of sunshine to brighten his day.

“Not that you’re an expert yet,” he said. “I do still have a lot to teach you in the bedroom.”

“You haven’t taught me a thing in the bedroom yet.”

He gaped at her. “What? I’ve taught you plenty. I mean, you went for that sixty-nine all on your own—very nice, by the way—but the other stuff—”

“Didn’t happen in a bedroom. It happened in this lounge and a limo and your bunk . . .”

He chuckled. “I guess it is time to introduce you to a real bed.”

“Tonight,” she promised, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. “But first I need to interview Reagan.”

“Because you don’t suck at this?” He wanted her to believe it. Wanted to hear her say it. Still wanted to text her bitch of an editor and put her in her place.

“Because if I don’t keep trying, I’ll never gain the experience I need to be successful.”

Logan nodded and patted her knee. Her confidence was still shaky, but it would strengthen with time. He turned his head to yell down the corridor, “You’re up, Reagan! Do you think you can unlock your lips from Trey’s long enough to answer Toni’s expert interview questions?”

“Not really,” Reagan’s voice carried into the room.

“Then Toni’s going to make up a bunch of shit about you!” Logan yelled. “And I’m going to put ideas in her head.”

“I’ll be right there!”

Logan rose from the sofa and bent to press a kiss to Toni's forehead. “You’ve got this, lamb.”

She smiled and nodded. She lifted her chin a notch, and his chest swelled with pride, which was the weirdest-fucking emotion he’d ever experienced in all his thirty-two years.

Reagan bounded into the room and tackle-hugged Toni on the sectional. “Are you really going to include me in the book?”

“Of course I am,” Toni said. She patted Reagan’s shoulder as she tried to sit upright. “You’re part of Exodus End, aren’t you?”

“Not really, but I do appreciate the gesture.”

Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head. Did Reagan still feel excluded? He supposed he would have to fuck with her more so she felt like one of the guys. Or perhaps they should forbid her from riding on Sinners’ tour bus. She spent more time with Trey’s band than her own.

“If you two start making out, holler for me,” Logan said as he stepped into the corridor to give the Copyright 2016 - 2024