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opinion was the most fantastic skirt in existence. He was the only one who knew what delights the thick brown fabric concealed.

“Crap!” she said, reaching over to grab her audio recorder from the table. She cringed as she pressed the pause button.

“Was that thing recording the entire time?”

She nodded. “I forgot it even existed. You have a way of making me forget anything exists but you.”

His heart fluttered, and a knot formed in his throat. He coughed, trying to dislodge the discomfort and hoping he wasn’t coming down with a cold. The tour had just started and after another month in North America, they were heading to Europe, Asia, South America, Australia and even South Africa. He wanted to enjoy every minute of the tour, not spend his time blowing his nose and being the whiny pain in the ass he knew he was when he was sick.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll erase it.”

He snatched the device out of her hand and searched for the reverse button. After rewinding several minutes’ worth of recording, he pressed play. The sexy sounds of Toni finding orgasm with his cock in her mouth greeted his eager ears. His dick twitched with renewed interest.

“Oh God, is that really what I sound like?” Toni asked, her pretty face screwed up with displeasure. “Delete it.”

“Hell no, I’m not deleting it. I’m making it your ringtone.”

Her mouth dropped open, but she quickly recovered her shock and dove for the device. He yanked it out of her reach just in time.

“Logan,” she pleaded, her big brown eyes full of turmoil. “Please don’t embarrass me.”

“There’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.”

He rewound the bit of audio and played it again. He produced a delighted full-body shudder at the sound of her getting off. “You have to promise to call me every five minutes so I can hear this over and over again.”

“You are not making that my ringtone.”

“Uh, yeah, I am.”

“You can’t,” she said, fist planted on either hip. There was something sexy about her standing her ground, but that didn’t mean he was going to back down.

“You bet your fine ass, I can.”

She shook her head. “You don’t even have my number.”

Stunned that she was correct, his teasing grin faded. He didn’t have his own girlfriend’s—um, new friend’s—phone number? He’d completely neglected his phone—quite unusual for him—since he’d met Toni. The woman was a constant distraction.

“We’re going to remedy that right now,” he said. And he rushed into the corridor to retrieve his phone from under his pillow.

Knowing she would erase the cock-thickening sound of her sexy vocalizations at her first opportunity, Logan played it back and recorded the sounds onto his phone through the mic. It would lose some of the sound quality, but that was better than losing it entirely.

“What are you doing?” Dare asked. He was lying in his bunk, watching the TV built into the underside of Max’s top bunk.

“Retaining evidence,” Logan said with a wink.

He grabbed a cola out of the refrigerator and hurried back to the lounge, flipping through a series of text messages, Facebook notifications, and missed calls that didn’t interest him in the least.

“I brought you something to wash the taste of my cum out of your mouth,” he said, trying to embarrass Toni. She didn’t so much as blush. She was too busy scowling down at her smartphone.

“What’s wrong?”

He handed her the bottle of cola. She opened it and took a long swallow, but avoided his inquisitive gaze.


She set her phone and the bottle aside so she could massage her temples. “It’s nothing.”

It obviously wasn’t nothing. She was upset. “You can tell me.”

“It’s just the mean things my editor says to me. Rattles my confidence.”

“Shouldn’t your editor support you?”

Toni laughed hollowly. “Not when I took her dream assignment away from her.”

Logan lifted her phone from the table and read the string of messages still displayed on her screen beneath the name Susan Brennan. Brennan? Why did that name sound familiar?

His jaw dropped several additional inches with each text message he read.

Are you on your way home yet? I have my bag packed and ready to go. We both know you don’t have what it takes.

Good thing your mom owns the company. There’s no way you would have been hired for the job if you had to prove your worth.

Are you not answering my messages because you know I’m right or because you’re too ashamed to admit you’ve already failed?

Logan couldn’t believe anyone would be so mean to someone as Copyright 2016 - 2024