Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,28

they stared at each other for several seconds. “I’m sorry. It’s just I certainly don’t want my dad to come in here and know I just had sex with a guy,” she said.

He could relate, because he certainly didn’t want the confrontation that was surely about to transpire. When they spoke to Scars, he wanted it to be when he hadn’t just slept with the man’s daughter.

“I have every intention of telling him about us, because I want him to know I’m happy.” She smiled, and a small amount of tension left her, but those bikes were now pulling into her driveway, and she sighed heavily. “God, of course things couldn’t just go the way I saw them.” She smoothed her hands down her shirt and looked down her body. “Does it look like I just got fucked really good?” She lifted her head and grinned at him.

Cadeon couldn’t help it. He chuckled and walked up to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, still mindful of her healing tattoo. “It does, but it looks really damn good on you.”

Now it was her turn to chuckle. She pulled back and tilted her head back. “Well, I hope you’re ready to tell my dad about this, because looks like it’s about to happen sooner rather than later.”

He cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. “Stella, I think I can handle a protective father.”

She lifted a brow. “What about a lot of overprotective bikers too?”

Before he could answer, the sound of a few deep, loud voices could be heard even in her bedroom, and then there were two hard knocks on the front door.

“God, I feel like a teenager all over again, trying not to get in trouble with my dad.”

He smiled again. “Baby, if my dad was the president of the Vicious Bastards, I would be freaking out too.” He kissed her once more for good measure and swatted her on the ass.

She grinned and turned to answer the door, and Cadeon followed her but closed the bedroom door. He wasn’t afraid to let Scars know he cared for Stella, was going to lay it all out for him too, but that didn’t mean if he or one of the other members walked past her room that they needed to see the “just screwed in” appearance of it.

“Stella? You in there, baby girl?” There was the sound of Scars talking softly to someone else, and then Booshie’s voice came through.

“Scars, man, ain’t that Cadeon’s bike?” Booshie asked. There was a moment of silence, and then Scars was banging on the door again.

Stella gripped the handle and opened it. Cadeon leaned against the wall in the hallway. Even though he knew he appeared calm, he was ready, because shit was probably about to get crazy.


As soon as Stella opened the front door, she knew her dad and Booshie saw Cadeon behind her. Her dad looked over at her, and there was this hard look that covered his face.

“What’s going on?” He stepped inside, and she had to move back so he and Booshie could walk into the foyer.

She closed the door and glanced at Cadeon. He appeared nonplussed, but she knew he was prepared for whatever was about to happen. She was an adult, yes, but her father acted first and thought later. He didn’t care about repercussions or if he was making a mistake until after he started the shit and it was all said and done.

She saw the way her dad flexed his hands, and she glanced at Booshie. Even through his thick beard and the black bandanna he wore on his head, she could see the rage simmering below the surface.

“I want to know what the fuck you’re doing at my daughter’s house at this time of night.”


Scars looked at her, and there was this warning in his expression, the kind that said to tread carefully because he was in a foul mood.

“This is my house, and I’m an adult. I can have anyone over at any time I want without having you two busting in here and asking questions.” She looked at Cadeon. He was standing straight and had his eyes on her father. His whole body was tense, and she could tell he was coiled and ready for a fight.

“Maybe, but I’m still your father, and when I come to your house and see a man nearly twice your age here, I think I have every right to ask some Copyright 2016 - 2024