Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,27

was why she had been so attracted to him. She had lived around men like that all her life but had never seen any of them as more than her family.

But then Cadeon had come around, and she had felt like he was this magnet and could not stop herself from going to him. It might have taken her a long time to take what she wanted, and maybe he had been the one to actually initiate everything, but it was done, and she couldn’t have been happier. But he was right.

She needed to think about how in the hell she was going to tell the MC, because surely shit would hit the fan with this little announcement.


Cadeon lay beside Stella and listened to her sleep. After they ate, he had taken her to her room and made sure to show her that she wasn’t just a piece of ass to him. Why did he feel so strongly for her? He didn’t know why having sex with her switched something inside him and made him man-up, but it had, and he wasn’t turning back now.

Being around her this time had this protective side rising inside him, and even if he had kept his distance because he thought it was the right thing to do, that didn’t mean he still hadn’t felt something strongly for her. But this was a complicated situation, because no doubt her father and the club wouldn’t see him as anything more than a bad boy with a nasty reputation that would hurt her in the end.

He’d done a lot of shit when he was younger, and although in his older age he toned down how wild he was, that still didn’t mean he hadn’t done deplorable things. Things like have a rando fuck in the filthy alley behind his shop, or getting drunk and starting shit just because he knew he could kick the other guy’s ass.

All of that and more hadn’t gone unnoticed by the club, or the town for that matter. Reckless was small, and people talked. It was all they could do.

He turned his head and stared down at her. The sheet had ridden low and now lay around her hips. He lifted his other hand and smoothed it down the dip of her waist. Was he in love with this woman? Yeah, he really was. Just the thought of her being with another guy had rage moving fiercely through him.

He tightened his hands into fists and breathed in deeply. Yeah, he was so damn gone for this girl. But Cadeon didn’t want to even think about how fast everything was moving, because honestly it felt right on every level. There weren’t a lot of things in life that happened like that, but this was definitely one of them.

She shifted beside him and pressed her naked body more firmly against his. His cock sprang to attention even though they just had sex less than an hour before. It was like he was insatiable for Stella, like all she had to do to get him rock-hard was look at him.

The sound of a couple Harleys nearing had him sitting up in bed. The jarring motion had Stella groaning beside him. He looked over at her and watched as she roused.

“What’s wrong?” She pushed herself up in bed, and the sheet fell away, exposing her big, round breasts. Shit, right now was not the time for this, especially when the Harleys he heard were most likely coming to her house.

“Baby, you expecting anyone?” He was already out of the bed and grabbing his clothes.

She rubbed her eyes, still clearly foggy from sleep, but when the bikes came closer, her eyes widened. “Is that…?”

He nodded, but she was already out of bed and getting her clothes on. “Shit, what time is it?”

He looked at his watch. “Nearly nine.”

She rushed around the room, and when she was dressed, she ran over to her cell and looked at it. “Shit, phone is dead. My dad probably called me, and knowing him, since I didn’t answer, he is stopping by on his way home to check up on me.”

Stella was an adult, but Cadeon knew how protective Scars was of her. Cadeon supposed if he had lost his wife in the traumatic way Scars had, he would be just as protective. But as sad as the situation was, men in any kind of MC knew the kind of life they immersed themselves in.


She stopped and looked at him, and Copyright 2016 - 2024