Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,12

leaned in so that his lips were only a hairsbreadth away from hers. His breath smelled minty, and she had to stop herself from moaning once more. “Do you want me to do all the filthy fucking things I’ve envisioned since I saw you all those years ago?”

Oh. God.

“If I didn’t, we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.” Her words were soft and breathy, and she watched as he closed his eyes and groaned in response. He was so powerfully masculine, towering over her and blocking out everything behind him. Even though they were out in the middle of the shop with an open floorplan, and the fact that the windows were blacked out, there was still this exhilarated sensation that ran through her.

No one could see them, but there was still this freeing sensation that filled her at knowing they were out in the open… kind of.

“Your tattoo.”

She knew he was saying it because he worried about hurting her, and she should have been worried too, but all she could feel was the beating of her heart, the dizziness of her arousal pumping through her head, and the wetness that was unbearable between her legs.

“I’m fine.”

Cadeon gripped her under the arms and lifted her onto the table. He stepped closer, using his body to spread her legs wide, and cupped the nape of her neck. He kissed her, long and deep, and she was about to push him away and complain that she was done with the foreplay.

She wanted more action, wanted to feel the hardness of his body against the softness of hers, and didn’t want to stop until they were both sated, out of breath, and she was sore between her thighs.

She certainly wasn’t a virgin, but it also wasn’t like she was overly experienced, probably not compared to Cadeon. being this close to Cadeon and sensing the dominance that poured from him like a second entity made her feel so inexperienced and submissive. He could do whatever he wanted to her, could touch her, dominate her, and control her until she couldn’t stand, let alone think straight.

Cadeon took a step back and gripped the bottom of his T-shirt. In one move, he had the material up and over his head and tossed to the ground. Stella took several seconds just to look at his chest. She knew he had a lot of tattoos, had seen the full sleeves that covered both his arms too many times to count.

They were vivid in color, and she knew they were not randomly placed but were an artistic abstract masterpiece that told a story. But the tattoos didn’t stop at his arms. They moved along his shoulders and down his chest. Every inch of his pectoral muscles and upper chest were covered in the same colorful ink, and she had to hold onto the edge of the table so she didn’t reach out and start touching him.

He undid his belt but didn’t pull it away. Once he had the button free, he moved his hands to his sides and lowered his head. He still watched her, but the way his head was tilted and the look he gave her had a shiver working through her. Cadeon looked like this predator getting ready to pounce on his prey, and she was that prey.

“Get the rest of that shirt off.” Those words were said on a demand, and she didn’t even think twice about it.

Stella slipped off the table and removed the shirt. There was a slight tugging at the site of where her tattoo was, but she was so high on her lust for Cadeon that all she cared about was finally being with him. She was thick, had curves that probably had other girls feeling self-conscious, but Stella had never really embraced her size, and right now was no exception. There was also the added bonus of the way he looked at her, like she was the most attractive woman he had ever seen.

That was a heady cocktail to make her unease and nervousness over what she was about to do with Cadeon leave right out the window. Those heated looks, and the way he ordered her to get undressed, had Stella feeling gorgeous, had her pussy wetter than it had ever been, and had her so very ready to finally feel Cadeon between her thighs.

“Take that fucking bra off.” He growled out those words, and no way in hell was she going to not listen to him. As it Copyright 2016 - 2024