Inked (Going All the Way #1) - Jenika Snow Page 0,11

you for the last three years but never thought this moment would ever happen.”

He placed his hands on her shoulders and closed his eyes, breathing out roughly. “This shouldn’t be happening, Stella.” But instead of pushing her away like he should have, he curled his fingers into her shoulders and pulled her closer. Her softness against his hardness had the male part of him roaring out in pleasure. Opening his eyes and holding her gaze with his own, he tried to tell himself that this was wrong on every level. But how could something so wrong feel so incredibly right?

He had wanted her from the moment he saw her and for three years had done good at keeping away and staying strong when it concerned her. Cadeon had even done a fine-ass job at not showing that he wanted her. Now, though, he didn’t have any strength left and couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head and taking her mouth once more, and in a more brutal manner.

He was mindful of her brand-new tattoo, but she seemed almost frantic in her actions as she kissed him back, and that had adrenaline pumping through his veins so powerfully he felt like some kind of beast despoiling the virgin.

She moved her tongue in and out of his mouth and twirled it around his. The act had dirty fucking images slamming into his mind, ones that showed him watching between their bodies as he plowed his cock in and out of her tight, hot little body.

“You taste so fucking good.” Cadeon turned them around and used his body to press her backward. The table stopped him from moving them any farther. Sliding his hands up her neck, he felt her pulse beat rapidly right below her ears. He continued moving his hands up until he took the long, thick blonde strands in his hands and could wrap his fingers around the locks.

He used his hold on her to tilt her head back and broke the kiss to trail his mouth down her jaw, over her neck, and finally stopped at her collarbones so he could suck at the raised area. The delicate bones were a fucking turn-on to him, always had been, and Stella had the most delectable ones he had ever seen.

“If you don’t tell me to stop right now, baby….” He continued to run his tongue over her flesh, loved that tiny goosebumps popped out along her arms, and couldn’t stop the groan that left him. If she didn’t stop this now, he was going to take her so hard and thoroughly that there was no going back.


A moan left Stella, and she let her head fall back and closed her eyes. Cadeon was licking and sucking at her skin and occasionally dragged his teeth along the sensitive raised lines of her collarbones. Never had she had a guy pay attention to that particular area on her body, and she certainly hadn’t thought it would be an erogenous zone. It was though, and Cadeon was paying so much attention to it, that she felt a continuous flow of moisture leaving her.

He said she needed to tell him to stop if she didn’t want this going further, but even if Stella had wanted to, or felt any kind of reservations because of it, she couldn’t have formed any kind of coherent words. But she didn’t want any of this to stop and for the last three years had pictured this exact encounter in her mind.

He cupped both her breasts, kneaded the flesh in his huge hands, and then swept his thumbs across her hard nipples. She knew those tips were rock-hard, and she knew that if he broke away from her and looked at her chest, he’d be able to see her nipples stabbing through the material of her shirt.

There was the light throb of discomfort and a burning sensation from her new tattoo, but honestly, she had so many endorphins, adrenaline, and desire rushing through every part of her that all she could think about was having Cadeon.

She moved her hands to his face and cupped each side of his head. Gently pulling him back, she knew he had allowed her to pull him away from her. His eyes were half-lidded, and she knew the arousal that was on his face was a clear reflection of her own. His lips were red and a little glossy from sucking on her flesh.

“You want this, Stella? You want me to fuck you?” He Copyright 2016 - 2024