If We Never Met (Whisper Lake #5) - Barbara Freethy Page 0,16

the last six weeks, but because they didn't seem to have much to talk about anymore. That was probably his fault. He was so caught up in his injuries and his health that he just hadn't been able to be interested in anything or anyone else. "I just need to get through the next three weeks," he said. "Then I'll have a better idea where I stand."

"I know it's been difficult for you, but you'll be back to normal soon. Life will be even better than it was before."

Her optimism should have been reassuring, but instead it grated on his nerves. "We'll see."

"One silver lining in all of this is that you'll have some time off this summer. Linc Adams has invited us to come on a five-day cruise on a super yacht in the Bahamas the first weekend in August. It will be amazing."

Linc Adams was a popular actor who'd recently starred in a series of action-adventure films. Nikki had had a walk-on part in his newest film, playing her supermodel self. He'd met Linc once and they'd gotten along, mostly because Linc was a big baseball fan.

"I can't make any plans right now," he said.

"Why not? You're not going to be playing until at least September, right? Isn't that the earliest date?"

"I don't know. I have no dates. I have to see how rehab goes, but even if I can't play, I'll still need to join my team at some point."

"Just to sit in the dugout? I'm sure the coach would give you time off." The irritation in her voice rose with every word. "Why not take advantage of this opportunity to spend more time with me this summer?"

"I can't decide anything at this moment," he repeated, feeling his own frustration level rising.

"Well, our relationship can't just be about you."

"I know that. Let me just get through the next three weeks."

"Fine. But I'm going to tell Linc that we're tentatively in, just so we don't lose our spot. What about JT's birthday party next weekend? Can you come down to LA?"

"No, I'm in the rehab center six days a week."

"He's one of my best friends. And the party will be over the top at a Malibu mansion."

"I'm sorry. I know I'm not giving you the answers you want, but I can't take time off rehab for a party. Let's talk about you," he added, hoping to change the subject. "How are you doing? Do you have any travel coming up?"

"I'm staying in LA until mid-July. I want to be in town for the movie premiere. Of course, I'd love you to be there for that, too."

Nikki had so many plans, none of which he wanted to commit to. And he knew she would quickly tire of him saying no. Nikki was a tall, gorgeous blonde. Whenever she walked into a room, she got everyone's attention.

He'd been happy to get hers when they'd met in February. While he'd dated models before, Nikki was probably the most famous. She had a huge social media following and was on everyone's VIP guest list. She'd told him the first time they'd met that they would look good together, and he hadn't argued.

But while they might photograph well, they didn't have a lot in common. Nikki had been born into money and into a world where she was always celebrated. She needed that from the man in her life, too. And his injury had been a huge inconvenience for her. He'd been irritated with her for weeks, but he hadn't wanted to deal with their relationship in the middle of everything else. It had been easy to avoid having a difficult conversation, because they hadn't been together, but that time was coming soon. He just didn't want to get into it all now, when he needed to focus on rehab.


Her sharp voice pierced his reverie. "Sorry, what?"

"Even when you're talking to me, you seem distant."

"I'm tired. Why don't we talk another time?"

"All right. But it's difficult to find a day when you aren't tired."

"I can't argue with you on that. Maybe we should think about taking a break," he said shortly.

"No, no," she said quickly. "We don't need a break. Everything will be fine when you're done with rehab. We'll talk later, when you're not exhausted. Bye, Dante."

She disconnected the call before he could get another word in. He blew out a breath, knowing the hard conversation still needed to be had, but he was fine to leave it for another day.

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