If We Never Met (Whisper Lake #5) - Barbara Freethy Page 0,15

him much. I think they might have gotten married because she got pregnant. I was born eight months after their wedding. My mother claims I came early."

"Maybe you did. Or do you just see secrets everywhere?"

"Not everywhere, but I can be a suspicious person. However, I have had good reason to be wary when it comes to my mother's male friends. One man moved into our house for six months and ended up stealing two thousand dollars out of my mom's checking account. That was when I was fourteen. Another man was charming her with his smile and good looks, and it turned out he had a wife in another state. That was when I was sixteen. So, you tell me if I'm too paranoid."

"Your concern makes more sense now."

"My mom is a very trusting person. Someone has to make sure she isn't putting her trust in the wrong person."

"I get it. What about you? Have you run into losers like that in your own personal dating life?"

Before she could answer, his phone began to vibrate. As Nikki's name flashed across the screen, he felt a twinge of guilt, not just because he didn't want to answer the phone, but also because he hadn't returned her last two calls or texts.

"Do you have to get that?" Keira asked.

He silenced the call. "I'll call her back."

"Was that your girlfriend?"

"I told you, she isn't exactly a girlfriend."

"Sounds like a guy who doesn't like to commit."

"You have no idea what kind of guy I am."

"That's true. I've been doing all the talking—again. I should go find Mr. Langley." She got to her feet. "I hope you don't think I came here to find you. This was purely coincidence."

He smiled. "I believe you have another reason for being here."

"Good, because I don't poach men who have girlfriends or girls they're just seeing. Not that you'd want me to, but if you did, I wouldn't…" She ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know what it is about you that flusters me, Dante. Anyway, in the interest of full disclosure, I will be at the Firefly Inn tomorrow night for a party that Lizzie is throwing. Her sister, Chelsea, is a nominee for a country music award, and Lizzie is hosting a viewing party. I'll be there, because not only am I friends with Lizzie and Chelsea, but I also designed the dress Chelsea will be wearing."

"I got an invitation for the party under my door this morning. Apparently, Lizzie wants all of her guests to attend."

"You should come. Lizzie throws a great party, and I promise not to talk incessantly to you."

He stood up. "Keira…" There were things he wanted to say, but as she stared back at him, he couldn't seem to find the right words. Clearing his throat, he said, "If this was another time, another place, another moment in my life, I'd be interested."

"Me, too," she said softly, meeting his gaze. "But it's not. So, we'll be friends, or not…"

"I'm good with friends."

"Then maybe I'll see you tomorrow night."

"If not before," he joked.

Her eyes sparkled with humor. "There is a good chance we'll run into each other again. Whisper Lake is a small town, but if we do, I'll try not to give you another chapter in my life story."

"I like the chapters I've heard so far."

"Maybe one of these days, you'll give me one of your chapters."

"I've talked about myself in news articles over the years. I'm sure you can find the info online."

"I'd rather get the information from you. But…" She glanced at her watch. "I need to meet Mr. Langley. So, next time."

"Next time," he murmured, having a hard time dragging his gaze away from her beautiful face.

She gave him another somewhat nervous smile and then walked away. He couldn't help but watch her until she stepped into the elevator. Then he sat back down, feeling somewhat deflated and even more tired than he'd been before.

His phone rang again, and this time he picked it up. Maybe he needed to talk to Nikki as much as she needed to talk to him.

Chapter Five

"Finally," Nikki said, a mix of relief and anger in her tone. "Why haven't you called or texted me back, Dante? I've been worried about you."

"I'm sorry." He figured she'd rather have an apology than an explanation. "How are you?"

"I'm—I don't know how I am. I feel like we're so far apart."

He'd been feeling that way, too, not just because they'd been physically apart for

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