I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,17

all about how Faust was interested in her. One wolf took her in and taught her, and another wolf was up her ass.

I couldn’t smell her like a shifter would, but something told me there was more to Rei than just a simple fox shifter. And I didn’t know if I could trust that.

Chapter 11



didn’t currently have a cellmate, and I didn’t know how I felt about that. On the one hand, I enjoyed talking, and it wouldn’t hurt to have someone watching if Venus turned her toothbrush into a shank and came in here to stab me. On the other, I could pick which bunk I wanted. Both of them were pretty fucking uncomfortable.

Faust didn’t say a damned thing to me when he came down to do a headcount to make sure everyone was in their cells and lock us in for the night, but he sure sniffed the air a lot, and his amber eyes never left me until he had to leave to go to another cell. I didn’t mind being locked in. I wanted a locked door between Venus and her toothbrush. I didn’t like being locked in knowing Faust had a key.

I liked Dakarys and Rajack, but they asked me more questions than I got to ask them. Rajack knew I was leaving things out and didn’t trust me as much as Dakarys did, but until he started answering some of my questions, I didn’t trust him much either.

I knew I needed to. Hauser said to keep my demon lineage a secret, but I needed help keeping Faust and other shifters away from me. It wouldn’t do having the entire prison on some fucked up hunt. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I didn’t need their help. They needed mine too. We needed trust all around because I had a feeling whatever theft they required me to do was going to be significant.

I managed to get some sleep on the very uncomfortable cot. Being a thief meant I got to sleep in and not have to get up early and go to an office. Why the entire world expected everyone to be morning people was beyond me. Prison was no different. This awful bell started blaring throughout the whole prison, and the lights came on at some dreadful hour I wasn’t usually conscious.

I pulled the blanket over my head and intended to ignore it. Someone ripped my blanket off. I rolled over, and there was fucking Faust.

“Out of bed, princess. It’s time for count.”

“Count me from here,” I moaned, burying my face in my pillow.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked me out of bed. I hit my funny bone on the edge of the bed as my ass hit the floor.

“Asshole!” I hissed.

“You will get your ass to the front of your cell and stand for count. After that, you will take a shower and get to the mess hall for breakfast. I haven’t assigned your work detail yet, so don’t get into any trouble with your free time. There’s a library with a computer. Why don’t you go study how to better yourself when you get out of here?”

“I want to work in the mailroom,” I said as I brushed myself off and got to my feet. I was pretty sure he broke my ass, and my funny bone still hurt.

“You’ll work where I say you work. I’m your CO. My opinions are your opinions. I own you for the next seven years, inmate. Now, shut up and stand outside your cell.”

I hoped that meant I survived the next seven years if what Dakarys said was true about Faust. I hated him, but I didn’t want to give him any reason to kill me, so I went and stood outside my cell. My stomach let out this massive rumble as Faust stalked down the hall as slowly as possible, clicking something at all us criminals. Faust finally got to the end of the hall and turned to glare at us.

“I hope you all hit the showers before breakfast. You reek of crime and shame.”


I followed the crowd to the showers. I already knew it was a group shower kind of thing, but after living with a wolf, nudity didn’t offend me, and I’d never really been ashamed of my body. I shrugged my jumper off and placed it in one of the lockers. There was shampoo and soap in the bag Faust threw at my head, so I carried it with me to the

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