really is super easy on me.
“For real?” His eyes light up, and I’m reminded of when I told Mom I was going to art school. She was ecstatic. “Mind if I bring someone?”
“Elaborate,” I say, using his word.
“Maddie loves horses. And she could use a good day.”
“Are all brothers like you? Because where do I sign up for one?”
“So it’s okay?”
“Sure. But warn her that I’m in training, and anything I say or do can’t be held against me in first impression status.”
“You got it.” His face turns redder by the second. He really should either check out or put the box down if he wants to chit chat some more. “Though, you’ve already met.”
“We have?”
“I’m gonna let you think about that.” He turns, and I duck so I don’t get whacked in the head by a Christmas tree. “See you Saturday.”
“If not sooner!” I call at his retreating back. “I’m going to be playing around with my schedule.”
“Just don’t disappoint Tanner again!” he shouts across the aisle. Great, even he knows that Tanner won’t be too happy with me if I decide to swap.
I’ve got art class tomorrow after work. If things go as badly as they did last time, forget Tanner’s unrequited feelings. I’m going to need as much time with Pete as possible if I’m even going to have a chance with Zach.
I pull at my tank top, trying in vain to cover up my midriff. What was I thinking? Belly shirt in mid-December? Bad girls aren’t stupid.
Tristan and Raina walk in, and by the size of their eyes when they look me up and down, I’ve achieved the desired effect—look nothing like I usually do.
I copied Miss Barley as much as I could without looking like I was copying her. She looks like an adventurous artist. Her typical tank-over-sports-bra style was still pushing it out of my comfort zone, so I eased my way in there with a cut-off tank that covers all of my bra and zero of my belly button and paired it with blood red bottoms that drawstring shut and hang super low on my hips.
I have never shown this much torso in my life—even while swimming. Bikinis were for naughty girls, or so my Sunday school teacher said. But even if I used that as my excuse, I’m just not the type of girl who would feel comfortable with a sunburnt belly button.
My shoulders slump, dropping the tank down enough that my stomach isn’t dangling out for all to see. I went sans apron, too. I’m a rebel, now. I killed a spider and everything.
“Hey.” I attempt a head nod toward my classmates as they walk in. Raina and Tristan sit down almost in unison. Tristan—who is right next to me—offers a nod back that probably looks a million times cooler than what I did.
“You gonna stay the whole class?” he asks. His tone is light-hearted and not mean, but still… my heart is a buzzing bee, and I let out this snort laugh that I end up choking on.
“Uh, y-yeah, yup. It’s all good here today.” I pat my stomach, jolting because I almost forgot my stomach was bare.
Just kidding, it’s all I can think about.
“I like your pants,” Raina says, leaning around Tristan. Her hair is piled up on top of her head, a few curls bouncing around her face. “They look super comfortable.”
“They are.” They’re not. “Thanks.”
I try not to pull at my clothes any more than I already have. I’m obviously bringing way too much attention to them.
Besides, I’m only here to tackle another fear—the fear of the penis.
My diligence not to look at any canvases but my own has paid off, since I know a few painted genitalia surrounds me. I’m also not going to tackle looking at the actual thing when it—I mean he, Zach—walks in and strips down. But I will tackle being in the same room with it for an hour.
I take a calming breath, letting it sputter out in wisps. I’m with penises all the time—they are a part of life. Just because this one will be uncovered doesn’t make it any different.
Yeah… I’ll go with that.
Miss Barley sets that same cushioned fold out chair in the middle of the room, and we patiently wait for Zach to grace us with his heavenly body. Will he change his mind about me if he sees my new wardrobe? Or the fact that I’ll sit and paint throughout the entire class without announcing bowel movements?