Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,37

I will not stop you.”

The vote happened quickly. Xavier’s words of fear had swayed many of the Council members. Selene closed her eyes for a brief moment and willed herself to remain strong.

“I will abide by this Council’s decision,” she said quietly. “But I implore you to investigate the threat I have brought before you. We’ll leave Zara in your hands. You decide what to do with her. And whatever you do, do not allow Maddox to gain power over the Vyusher.”

Selene stepped back and allowed Ellie to slip her hand around her elbow. Keeping her gaze on Oren, she mouthed, “Goodbye.”

And then, thanks to Charlotte, she was standing in Hugh and Lucy’s living room. Selene crumpled onto the couch as her whole world came crashing down around her.

Chapter 24

Griffin glanced at Selene again, but she still hadn’t moved. As soon as they’d arrived home, she’d sat down on the couch, pale as ghost. And there she had remained. Staring unseeingly into space. Not moving. Not speaking. Not reacting. Just sitting.

They got no response from their initial attempts to talk to her, and she strongly blocked any attempts Lila made to help her emotions. Eventually, they all just decided what she needed was space and time to process what had happened, so they left her alone. They’d wait to discuss what to do next after Selene had pulled herself together.

They ate dinner, and afterwards Ellie, Griffin, and Alex went upstairs to study, while the others hung out and watched some TV. Soon it was time for bed, and Selene still had not moved. Ellie tried once more to connect with her but received no response.

Ellie shot Griffin a concerned look. “You’ve got to reach her.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Don’t be snarky.”

Griffin stared at his sister for a second and then gave a brief nod. He waited until everyone had left, and then he sat down on the couch beside Selene.


No answer.

“Talk to me, please,” he tried again. He reached to brush a strand of hair from her face, but she jerked away.

Griffin ignored the painful emotions that shot through him at her reaction and instead focused on the fact that she’d showed some kind of response… even if it was rejecting his affections. Holding up his hands in surrender, he said, “I won’t touch you. But I’m not moving from this spot until you talk to me.”

No reaction.

Griffin settled himself more comfortably in his seat, never moving his gaze from her. It was no hardship to stare at Selene. When she’d visited him in his dreams, he’d come to memorize every line, every curve of her face. Of course, that was before he’d known she was real. He’d thought she was beautiful in his dreams, but that was nothing compared to seeing her in the flesh.

Finally, after several long minutes of silence, Selene stirred.

“Go away, Griffin.” Her voice was dull, colorless.

“Not until you talk to me.”

“About what exactly?”

“You pick. What just happened with the Vyusher? How you’re feeling? Whether you’re okay?”

“I don’t want to talk to you. Don’t you understand that?”

“You need to talk to someone.”

She gave as short, sharp laugh. “And you’re the best candidate? You pick then, I guess.”

Griffin thought for a moment. If he could just get her started talking… “What did Xavier mean about your parents?”

“I’ve already showed you what Gideon made me do to them.”

Griffin shook his head. “No, there’s more to it.”

“Couldn’t you read our minds?”

“You were blocking me.”

“There’s a reason for that.” Selene looked down at her hands, which were clenched in her lap. Griffin thought she was going to leave it at that, but after a few moments, she let out a deep sigh.

“When I removed their powers, it apparently drove them insane.” Selene’s voice was cold, almost robotic. “Gideon didn’t kill them right away and took great pleasure in sharing that fact with me. To test me, of course. See if I’d react. I didn’t.”

“Jeez,” Griffin breathed. This girl had been through more than even he and Ellie had known. His heart ached for her. He reached out without thinking about it, wanting to offer her some kind of comfort. But she jerked away from him again.

“I’ve taken rejection and isolation and exclusion all my life. So much that I no longer allow it to affect me.” Finally she looked him, her gaze direct. “And I’m done with it. I won’t give you the chance to reject me again.”

Selene stood up abruptly. Griffin had no idea what to say to

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