Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,36

at the ground.

“These people are our honored guests and will be treated as such,” she continued. “We’ve uncovered a plot against me and against the Vyusher.”

A small gasp whispered around the room.

“What plot?” Xavier demanded.

“Maddox and other ex-lieutenants are attempting to discredit me by framing me for the murder of several innocent humans.”

A low murmuring passed through the group.

“To what end, Princess?” Mireilla, one of the elders and a friend to her mother asked.

“I’m not entirely sure,” Selene answered.

Another round of mumbling swirled. “What proof do you have?” Xavier demanded.

Selene narrowed her eyes. At her mental request, Griffin summoned Charlotte and the rest of the family, who had Zara with them.

“Zara?” Mireilla spoke as they entered the room. “What are you doing with Selene?”

“We captured her,” Selene answered. “Right in the middle of trying to manipulate me. Frame me. You all know that she and I look a lot alike as wolves. Maddox had her using that against me.”

“Lies!” Xavier slammed down his fist.

Selene raised an eyebrow, unimpressed with his theatrics. “We can show you,” she replied coolly.

“Show us how?” Mireilla asked.

“This family has several powers among them. Used together, they can show us what they’ve experienced, as well as the truth of what you see. Will you allow them to—?”

“You expect us to trust these people?” Xavier interrupted, pointing to Ellie and Griffin. “Gideon forced us to destroy their family. You don’t think they want revenge?”

“I think that if they’d wanted revenge, Ellie would’ve killed us when she was a dragon. But they let us all leave in peace.”

A few of the Council members nodded their agreement, but most appeared unconvinced.

“Maddox is trying to frame me. Will you let Ellie show you—?”

“NO!” Xavier bellowed. “You are showing your true colors, Selene.”

Selene blinked in confusion.

“You are just like your brother, and now you intend to continue what he’d started. I, for one, will not allow you to take this pack down that path again!” He practically spat the words at her, his face turning purple in his agitation.

“How dare you!” Selene felt tension knot in her stomach. Something was going on here that she didn’t understand, but she knew that she was losing control of this situation. “If I were in any way interested in ruining this pack, I would’ve removed every power by now.”

Xavier stormed over to her and glared. “But look at how that turned out for your parents. You wouldn’t have a pack if you did that.”

Selene blanched. “Gideon controlled me just like he did all of us,” she murmured in a low voice.

“So you say, but how do we know that for sure? You could’ve been acting in league with your brother. For all we know, you could’ve been controlling him yourself!” Xavier turned to address the room. “Council members, I put it to you. Selene was Gideon’s greatest weapon, and we have no way of knowing for sure that she was not just as responsible for the actions of this pack as he was. At her earliest opportunity, she left us and joined with the family that destroyed him. And now she comes to us with lies about former pack members, ones who left in peace, to incite paranoia and turn us over to her rule and that of the Svatura.”

Oren rose to his feet. “If Selene had wished to harm the Vyusher, she would have acted before now.”

Selene shot her beloved guardian a grateful look. Xavier’s accusations had paralyzed her in her own fear and sorrow and fury. After all she had sacrificed for her people, this was they showed their appreciation?

“Not if she wanted these Svatura to rule with her.” Xavier waved an angry hand at Ellie and Griffin and the others. “She would need a catalyst, and so she has made one.”

“We have absolutely no interest in ruling your people,” Griffin declared. “We are only here to protect you from a threat.”

“You expect us to believe that? After what we did to your family?” Xavier scoffed. Griffin moved to answer but stopped when Xavier held up his hand. “Council, I request a vote. Let us determine now that the rule of Selene and her lineage be ended, and we declare her no longer Vyusher, no longer a part of this pack.”

“I will NOT participate in this farce—” Oren began. But Selene laid a hand on his arm, halting his words.

Raising her head, she faced the Council and spoke in a clear, proud voice. “If my people truly want me evicted from rule,

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