Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,13

listening?” Ellie’s sheepish voice sounded in Selene’s head.

Selene glanced to the branches of the tree above her and smiled at the black falcon perched there. “Because I let you.” She patted the bench beside her. “Go shift and come grab a seat. I’ll show you.”

Ellie spread her wings wide and flew off. Several minutes later she strolled over, human once more, and sat down. She dropped her backpack on the ground and grinned.

“Where were you keeping that?” Selene wondered, looking at the backpack.

“Gotta have some secrets.” Ellie winked. “Now come on… show me!”

Selene held out her hand. Ellie grasped it and closed her eyes for a brief moment. When she opened them again, she flashed Selene an impressed look.

“That’s a handy skill to have. You can see the glow when someone is using their power,” she said.

Selene gave a half-hearted smile. “It has good points and bad points.”

“That was a pretty mean trick you played on Griffin, you know.” Ellie said.

Selene blinked but didn’t say anything.

Ellie propped her elbows on the back of the bench. “Bringing up your powers to make him leave. Why’d you do it? He was treating you like a normal human being for once. You were making progress.”

“What if I don’t want to make progress with Griffin?” Selene kept her expression neutral.

Ellie shook her head. “No way. I don’t buy it. Why else would you choose to come to this school? It has to be because you wanted to be friends with us. And Griffin is the biggest roadblock. Am I on the right track?” She raised her eyebrows.

“I can’t be friends with you.” Selene nibbled at her bottom lip.

“But you want to, don’t you?”

Selene just looked back down at her book.

“Yeah. I thought so,” Ellie concluded and paused a moment. “I have a great idea! Come dancing with us tomorrow night?”

Selene gave a surprised laugh. “I don’t think so. Griffin would go ballistic. In fact, you’d better watch it, or he might see you talking to me.”

“Oh, pooh,” Ellie scoffed. “Anyway, he’s blowing off steam now. He’s nowhere near here.” She gave Selene the onceover. “Are you really going to let my oh-so-cautious brother dictate your actions?”

Selene chuckled. “Nice try. But after so many years being dictated to by my own brother, I won’t let anyone influence me. You included, Miss Ellie Aubrey.”

Ellie held up her left and wiggled her fingers, flashing her engagement ring. “Soon to be Mrs. Jenner.”

Selene’s eyes lit up at the news. “Congratulations! But I won’t upset your family just for a chance at some new friends in my life.”

“Well, I won’t stop asking,” Ellie insisted as she stood up. She leaned over and gave Selene a swift hug. “And next time Griffin isn’t biting your head off, I suggest you don’t immediately push him away, sweetie.” Ellie picked her backpack up off the ground, and with a wink and a wave, she walked away.

Selene sat in stunned silence. Hugs had been few and far between in her life up until then. Ellie’s effervescent friendliness could become addictive. With a mental shake, Selene forced herself to turn to her studies. She did manage to read the words on the page this time, but the beauty of the day had dimmed.

Chapter 9

Selene looked up from her computer to listen to her project team gathered around her kitchen table. Remnants of pizza and cokes were scattered between books and computers. It was mid-November and the five of them – Selene, Josh, Elayne, Cindy, and Gordon - were working on the simulation project that would comprise the bulk of their grade for the class. In the simulation for the assignment, they were the owners of a car company and had to compete against the other groups in the class in having a more successful car company simulation.

Selene was thoroughly enjoying herself. Not only did she like the class and think the material was very interesting, but she’d really come to like her group. They were the first people in her entire life to treat her normally. Even before Gideon, the Vyusher had treated her as a princess, held apart to be cossetted and petted.

But beyond that the people in her group were very nice people and could also be hilarious. They got their work done and made smart observations, but they did so while still keeping things on the light and funny side.

“I disagree,” Josh was saying.

“You would!” Elayne joked as she reached for another slice of pizza.

“Yeah,” Josh insisted. “There’s no way we’re

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