Hyacinth - By Abigail Owen Page 0,12

slight flinch as he’d raised his arm to drape it casually along the back of the bench behind her.

It’d been just a tiny movement. Miniscule really. And he would’ve put it down to their strained relationship if he also hadn’t managed to catch a stray thought that escaped her mental blocks, allowing him to briefly read her mind.

Someone had hit her, screamed through his head. Selene had been struck frequently enough to unconsciously recoil from physical contact as well as lose a small amount of her incredible control. Griffin was unprepared for the instant rage that pounded through him at the thought of anyone hurting her. As angry as he was with her, the thought of harming Selene had never crossed his mind.

“You sure seem to attract jerks,” Griffin muttered. What he’d wanted to do was put his arm over her shoulders and ask if she was all right. But that was just a bad idea for so many reasons.

Selene shrugged. “Guess so,” she replied, grimly. “Why are you talking to me, anyway? You didn’t want to let me into your dreams, so clearly you decided you’re too angry to talk. So what do you want?”

Griffin ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He hadn’t meant to come over. He’d been watching her as she studied. And for the last two days, he’d been watching John and his friends ogle her. She’d been oblivious to the attention. In fact, she appeared to be oblivious to everyone around her.

“It looked as if you needed some help with that guy,” he mumbled.

Selene raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Well, thanks, but I was just about to handle him. No damsel in distress here.”

Griffin glanced away and felt his cheeks redden. He knew she could take care of herself. She was a stunning woman… obviously men would be interested. But he didn’t realize how much it would bother him until he saw it in play out in front of his eyes. Then, like a moron, he had rushed over and tried acting all protective.

“Sorry,” Griffin muttered, staring at his shoelaces.

Selene studied him for a moment and allowed a small smile. “That’s quite a new skill you’ve developed,” she said, changing the subject. “You’ve managed to make your shield hide you entirely, huh? Invisibility is certainly a handy power to have. I’m jealous.”

How had he managed to forget, even for a second, exactly who and what she was? He tried reading her mind, but got nowhere.

“Stop trying to read my mind,” she suddenly interrupted his mental dialogue.

“Wait. Are you reading my mind?” Griffin’s voice was serious. He leaned closer, his eyes narrowed. “Are you using my power against me, Selene? Because if you are…”

She held up a hand, stopping him mid-sentence. “I can’t read minds or use your powers,” she said, shaking her head. “It didn’t take those skills to figure out exactly what you were thinking, though. You were staring at me as if you could burn a hole right into my brain.”

Griffin was furious. Mostly with himself for being so easy to read. He abruptly stood up.

“Just stay away from me and my family.”

“I’ll stay away from them if they stay away from me.” Selene lowered her blocks for a moment, allowing him to hear the thought as he stalked away.

Griffin ignored her and kept walking.


Selene had mixed feelings as she watched Griffin leave. She’d intentionally baited him, knowing that it would drive him away. As much as she’d wanted to reach out to him, she knew that Griffin would never accept her…. That much was obvious. And she just couldn’t handle that rejection again. Not now. What she needed was unconditional love and support. Something he was clearly incapable of giving her—not after what she’d done to him. So she’d deliberately taunted him, pushed him farther away. But as he left, an achy loneliness had set in, and she’d wanted to bring him right back. But it was hopeless. She knew that in her head. Now she just needed to convince her heart.

A shiver suddenly ran down Selene’s back, and she frowned. She felt, for the briefest moment, as though she was being watched by someone or something. The feeling was similar to how she used to feel around Gideon. A faint queasiness passed over her, and she took a deep breath and shook it off, reminding herself that he was gone. She had nothing to fear anymore.

“That last comment was for you too, Ellie,” Selene spoke aloud.

“How’d you know I was

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