Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,35

on the verge of hypothermia. She closed her eyes for just a second to get her bearings and the dream popped back into her mind as if she'd fallen back asleep.

The grey wolf crouched and pounced straight toward her, leaping straight over her head and toward Aleksei behind her.

“Nooo...” The cry resonated only in her mind. She couldn't get the words to come out of her mouth. Her jaw felt strange, as if it had been elongated, and her teeth poked down like long canines, or even fangs. She tried again and this time her lungs and vocal cords were on board but what came out of her mouth was a howl, not words.

She choked back the sound and whipped around to follow the arc of the wolf's jump. She tensed her muscles to run and block him if she could, but she wasn't fast enough. He touched down like a fricking ballerina, right next to Aleksei, and bounded ahead. Red eyes appeared, staring back at the trio, and a pack of mangy brown wolves stepped out of the darkness.

With all of her heart, Helena knew these wolves were there to kill them all.

The grey wolf attacked them with such ferocity she cowered for a moment. This beast was a killing machine, but not a monster. He slaughtered the other wolves with the grace of a God-damned furry ninja.

Aleksei joined in the fray but was thrown to the ground by the biggest of the enemy wolves. Blood soaked the ground beneath him and he lay so still that Helena couldn't move either. Huge gashes were torn in the fur at his throat.

Aleksei, don't you dare fucking die on me. She ran to his side but was stopped halfway there by another of the mangy mutts. It snapped its jaws at her and if she didn't know better, she thought it smiled in that creepy serial killer who wants to have your liver with some fava beans way.

In a flash, Aleksei was on the creepy wolf's back, tearing at his opponent’s fur, raking his claws across the throat. He glanced at Helena for only a second and his voice burst into her mind.


“Helena, Helena. Can you hear me?” Someone shook her arms frantically. “Fuck, Helena come back to me.”

“I'm here.” She forced her eyes open and stared at Aleksei's throat for a full count of three to be sure it was intact before she looked up at him. She swallowed, trying to get her dry mouth to open and say something about what she'd seen. “If you go and die on me, I'm going to kill you.”

Yeah, yeah. That didn't make sense. She couldn't shake the feeling that this dream was not simply her imagination. “Or I'll become a ghostbuster and trap you in a metal box and keep you at the fire station.”

“Shh, shh. I'm not going to die. But I love that you'd reverse haunt me if I did. Same, babe, same.” He whispered and kissed each of her eyelids. “Now we have to go, if you're up for it. Actually, we need to get out of here even if you're not okay. There's something very dangerous outside and I need to make sure you're safe.”

The grey wolf. “Oh. He's on our side. I think. I'm pretty sure. I don't know. The vision made it seem that way. It’s a little confusing.”

“You had a vision? Shit. Damn. Fuck. I gotta get you to Zara and Heli, they'll know what to do. You're friends with Heli, aren't you? Got her number?”

She did. How would sweet Heli be able to help? Chocolate chip cookie them to death? Probably he meant Zara and Heli would hang with her while the boys went out to fight off the big bad wolf, who was big, but not bad. Eyeroll.

Helena had spent her whole life taking care of herself. She wasn't going to stop now just because she had a werewolf for a boyfriend. “I've got a baseball bat in the front hall closet. Let's just go out there and kick these guys’ butts, like we did that schmoe.”

“This isn't the same thing at all, my badass mate. If these wolves are one-bloods, they're extremely dangerous.” He glanced out the window and ushered her closer to the doorway and the hall. “They'll eat your baseball bat for a snack. I don't even want to think about what they'll do to you. I hate that I've dragged you into pack problems, but I won't let anything Copyright 2016 - 2024