Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,34

They'd gone from something superficial and convenient, to sexy as fuck, to an open and deep link that felt as if it went all the way down to her soul.

This must be what Heli was talking about when she got all mushy and gooey about Kosta. Did it have something to do with his wolf nature? Were there supernatural forces at work to make her feel this way? Naw. That was ridiculous. Her feelings were her own. Nothing could take away the happiness and joy fluttering around her chest like a flipping butterfly on rainbow steroids.

She snuggled deeper into his arms, loving the warmth of his chest against her cheek and his cock nestled in her pussy. She felt so full, in her heart and in places down below. She sighed and let herself fall into the most comfortable sleep of her life.

Helena dreamed of running through a forest, the Reserve at the edge of town. The dirt was cool beneath her feet, but she wasn't cold even with the wind whipping across her face. Something warm and furry wrapped around her keeping her safe. She was free and alive like never before.

But there was something evil in the woods. She could smell it. The scent was like pure vodka burning her nose. Eyes peered at her from the shadows. These weren't filled with the strong blue glow like Aleksei's wolf, they were an abyss, darkness, the absence of light.

A wolf the color of darkest storm clouds emerged from the underbrush and stalked toward her. His growl hit her full in the chest like the rumble of thunder. His teeth gnashed like lighting. But his dark gaze wasn't directed at her.

Oh no. He was after Aleksei.

“Lisichka, wake up and don't make a sound. Shhh.” Aleksei's deep voice pulled Helena from sleep. Pulling her from a dream that had suddenly turned into a nightmare.

His tone wasn't soft and soothing, but filled with foreboding, and he held her tight to his chest to keep her silent, not to hush her scared cries leftover from the dreamworld. Every muscle in his body was tense, spring loaded, ready to pounce. What in the hell was going on?

She looked up, trying to ask him with her eyes to tell her what was wrong. His had that beautiful blue glow of his wolf. But his gaze was not on her. Instead he peered through her window into the gloomy, almost-winter night.

“Do you have a security system?”

She shook her head. Rogue wasn't the kind of place where anyone had fancy security and cameras at their house. Heck, sometimes she didn't even remember to lock her door. Was someone trying to break in? Aleksei could just shift and take them out. Okay, then, worse than a burglar.

A scrape of nails across the side of her house followed by a haunting growl told her everything she needed to know in an instant. Aleksei wasn't the only wolf at her house. Whoever or whatever was outside was dangerous.

“Where's your phone?”

Damn, it was probably in the hall where they'd dropped most of their stuff in their hurry to get each other’s clothes off. Helena pointed out the bedroom door and hooked her wrist to indicate the front of the house.

“Okay. I'm going to shift, and you're going to run and find your phone. Call Niko or Max and tell them to get to your house right away, that the lone wolf is here and I need backup. Got it?”

She nodded, ready to rock and roll or get the hell out of dodge or whatever just do it phrase would get her through this.

Aleksei slipped the covers to the side and tugged her to a crouching position on the floor. “Everything is going to be okay, love. I will protect you with my life.”

“Be careful of the wolf with the Nothing eyes.” She was supposed to be keeping silent, but that warning had popped out as if she wasn't in control of her own mouth. Whoa.

The wolf’s eyes called up exactly the image, and churning of fear, of the foreboding cloud of destruction from classic The NeverEnding Story kids’ movie. Darkness, despair, and death, bearing down on them. Or rather it had already come for him.

“You saw him?”

Uh, only in a dream. “Not exactly.”

She blinked, seeing the vision of the monster and his tormented eyes in her mind again. That's when the shaking started. She wasn’t cold, but her teeth chattered and a shiver ran through her body as if she was Copyright 2016 - 2024