Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,25

so he could take her home and claim his mate good and proper.

The scent of bitter fear and urine wafted over from the asshole. “Y-you, you stay the fuck away from me. I know what you are and I'm not the only one. You kill me, and my boss will come hunting your hide.”

The guy was scared shitless, but he wasn't lying. He had a boss and he actually believed this person, or wolf, would avenge his death. Very interesting. It was too much of a coincidence that they were standing in the exact spot Aleksei had scented the lone wolf. Was the scent on the asshole, too?

No, his wolf would have known the second the asshole stepped into the club. But he was still connected to someone who knew about wolf-shifters, specifically the Troikas. Aleksei growled low and stalked toward Earl. He'd love to eat this guy's face off but all he really needed now was to get the scent.

Then he could pass it on to Niko, Max, and Kosta, and his duty would be done. He wasn't an enforcer. This wasn't his job anymore. His only concern now was to take care of his mate.

Which he was going to do right now. He pounced at Earl and pushed him down to the gravelly dirt. Earl tried to scramble away and whimpered a whole litany of swear words. Aleksei would laugh if he could. This dumbass deserved to know what it felt like to be the weakling.

Helena stomped over and pressed her toe of her hot AF heels into the center of his back, right over where Aleksei had ripped a gash in it. She ground her shoe into the weird tattoo of an owl between his shoulder blades. “I suggest you get the fuck out of here or my wolf is going to make you very sorry you ever even looked at me.”

“You'll regret this, you whore.”

Oh hell no, nobody called his woman a whore and lived to tell about it. Aleksei put his muzzle right in the guy’s face and growled long and low. He allowed strings of wet wolf slobber to drip from his mouth and into the asshole’s eyes.

“I’m not afraid of death, you slimy shifter. But you and your winged kin will be soon enough.” Earl squirmed like worm trying to get away.

Helena made a whistling sound similar to the one a bomb made right before it crashed. Aleksei glanced up at her and she jerked her chin toward the asshole’s asshole and made a biting motion with her mouth.

Ah, he liked that idea immensely. It was against a whole lot of rules for him to kill this piece of shit, but there was nothing that said he couldn’t embarrass him badly enough that he’d never return.

Aleksei pounced on Earl’s back, grabbed his pants with his teeth and shredded them in one giant yank. Rrriipp. Dumbass rolled, trying to get away, but all he did was expose his family jewels.

Helena pointed and broke into gales of laughter. “I thought I felt a pencil in your pocket.”

Asshole scrambled away and took off running. Aleksei spit out his pants. He definitely had the guy’s scent now. Blech.

He shifted back and stood completely naked in front of Helena. She glanced down and bit her lip. “Thank god. Because after that pencil dick,” she held up a pinky, “I would very much like to get my hands on a…” she made a circle with her fingers spread wide, “I don’t even have a good analogy for that kind of girth. Fuck me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Helena laughed and grabbed him around the neck. “I mean it. Take me home right now. That whole wolf thing is sexy as shit, and I want you so bad, I would even forgo Thanksgiving leftovers if you’ll take me to bed this instant.”

“No one should forgo pie. Especially when eaten directly off a body like yours.”

Aleksei kissed Helena with all the lust he’d had pent up inside for days. He was taking this relationship from fake to very, very real as fast as they could.

She swatted him on the butt and broke the kiss. “I’ll grab the pie, you grab your clothes. I’d much rather see them on my bedroom floor than out here in a dirty alleyway. Come on. Let’s eat.”

Oh, yes, he was going to eat his fill of her tonight.

Emergency Kitchen Sex

Helena grabbed the front of Aleksei's shirt and dragged him through the doorway of her house, slamming the big wooden door Copyright 2016 - 2024