Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,24

be fair, there wasn't much more to those shorts than a pair of undies anyway. That was fine. He'd be peeling all of her clothes off in a few minutes anyway.

Helena grabbed her bag and his arm. “Come on. If I'm being forced to take the night off, you and I are binging on Thanksgiving leftovers. And you're in charge of heating them up for me since it's your fault I didn't get pie in the first place.”

“I will very happily feed you anything you want, as long as we're in bed.” He was definitely thinking of all the dirtiest ways he could eat whipped cream and chocolate syrup off every inch of her body.

The refrigerator in the break room was stuffed to the brim with turkey, stuffing, pie, and the gravy Helena spilled down her front. He was going to have wet dreams about that gravy for the rest of his life. Helena rooted around on the shelves and handed him an entire feast. His arms were full in seconds. Girl after his own stomach. They could probably hole up at her place for days with this much sustenance.


“And bless the sweet goddess that is Heli because there is a whole pumpkin pie in here with my name on it.” She stood and showed him the pie. It did actually say Helena across the top in whipped cream.

Aleksei grabbed the can of whipped cream from the door and added it to his pile. He was already imagining covering her from head to toe in it and licking every inch and curve. “This will keep us energized all night.”

Helena rolled her eyes at him, but glanced from the can to his crotch and back again. Oh, ho ho. She had ideas of her own. He was totally on board for whatever she had planned and more. “Come on. I can tell you're as hungry as I am.”

He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Hungry like a wolf.”

They pushed out the back door of the club and Aleksei's mind was already in Helena's bedroom. If it hadn’t been, he would have noticed the scent of danger wafting through the alley. This time it wasn't the mysterious lone wolf he was worried about.

“Oh, fuck me. Earl, what the hell?” Helena groaned and made a face like her pie had gone sour.

The acrid scent of revenge hung in the air around the asshole that Niko and Kosta kicked out of the club for touching Helena. Alexsei’s wolf's hackles rose, and the beast pushed at his skin and psyche. No way and no how was he letting any dick, human or otherwise, near his mate.

He growled low, letting the wolf shine in his eyes. Asshole Earl didn't even seem to notice. But Helena did. She put one hand on his arm and gently squeezed.

“Aleksei, no. He's not worth it.” She said a lot more with her eyes and face.

She knew who and what he was.

Aleksei had never revealed his true self to her. He didn't even know if she had seen any of his kind shift before. Wolves weren't even supposed to show themselves to humans. Well, that's the way it had been for hundreds of years. Niko and the Troikas were changing all that.

They were the reason Aleksei could even dream of being with his one true mate.

“You're worth it, lisichka. You're worth everything I have and more.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it, because she should know she was his Queen and he would always treat her as such.

Then he turned back to Earl and let the wolf out.

He let the fur come through his skin, his bones crack and twist into a new shape, and the magic inside of him take him from man to beast in only the blink of an eye.

“Holy shit.” Earl gasped.

“Holy shit is right, you schmoe. I hope he eats your face off.” Helena snarled at the asshole and gave Aleksei a wink and a smile. “Howl, my wolfman, and scare this dickhead so bad he pees his pants and never wants to come back to bother us again.”

Man, he loved her killer instincts. Aleksei nuzzled her hand and gave her thigh a big sloppy lick, marking his spot for later. He hadn't known for sure how she would react to seeing his true animal form. He should have known it wouldn't freak her out.

In fact, if his nose wasn't lying, she was turned on.

Fuck, yeah.

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