Hummingbird Lake Page 0,97

“I’d also point out that Sage is making an effort for you. Emotional healing is not a broken leg. It does not happen on a timetable. She has made great strides in recent months. In Sage’s case, however, it takes many little baby steps to cover the distance, so it’s not always as obvious.”

He closed his eyes. “She told me once that she’s in a deep, dark well and she’s not at all certain she’ll be able to climb out.”

“And yet you fell in love with her anyway. Or did you? Because if you truly loved Sage, I don’t think you’d turn your back on her at the first sign of trouble.”

“She turned her back on me,” he shot back, temper heating the words. Furious and frustrated and afraid, he added, “I’ve tried with her, tried so hard. But it doesn’t matter one damned bit. She won’t let me or anyone help her. She quit. She quit on me.”

“Did she? Really? Or did you ask too much of her too soon? I understand that Sage has let you down. Knowing Sage, she feels terrible for having done so. But you are not without some responsibility here. Be honest with yourself, Colt. You pursued her. You set out to win her. You pushed her. Sage fell in love with you despite her best intentions. She resisted you because she knew she wasn’t ready. She knew that she still had a ways to go in her recovery. Now that circumstances have proved as much, it could be argued that if you walk away from her now, you have let her down as much as she has you.”

With that, Celeste lifted Shadow from the rinse tub, set him on the floor, then leaned away while he shook. She picked up a fluffy white towel and briskly dried him off.

Colt sighed heavily, closed his eyes, and grimaced. “I don’t know, Celeste. I’m too shaken up over Rachel to be able to think clearly.”

“That’s understandable. All I ask is that when you are able to consider your relationship with Sage, you take into account what I have mentioned here tonight. Fair enough?”

“Fair enough.”

Celeste lifted Shadow into her arms and gave him a hug. Then she lifted his snout and stared into the puppy’s big brown eyes. “You be a good boy on the trip, Shadow. You take care of your daddy. If he starts to get sleepy, paw at him. If he drives too long without taking a break, bark at him. If he gets too sad, climb up and give him your sweet little puppy kisses.”

“I can do without dog slobber.”

“I disagree. A person can never have too many kisses from someone who loves them. Now, go. Drive safely, and keep us posted on little Rachel’s condition, okay?”

“I will.”

Celeste handed the dog over to him, and Colt had to admit that the slight delay had been worth it. Shadow smelled a hundred percent better. He’d be a much more pleasant traveling companion. They headed for the door, where Colt paused and looked back at Celeste. “Thanks for everything, Celeste.”

“You’re very welcome.”

“Can I ask you for one more favor?”


“Will you pray for us? For Rachel and my brother and sister-in-law?”

“Consider it done. And Colt, I have faith that little Rachel will fully recover from her injuries. Be at ease. I have good instincts about things like this.”

“From your mouth to God’s ear, Celeste.”

She smiled indulgently. “Consider it done. Godspeed, Colt Rafferty.”


Sage lay on Colt’s bed at the Creekside Cabins for a full hour after he left, sobbing her heart out into his pillow. She hated herself. Despised herself. Any doubts she’d had that she was indeed a horrible person had been laid to rest this evening. She was mean and awful and terrible and cruel and selfish and self-centered. She was every bad adjective in the language. She was making this all about her when it was really about Rachel and the rest of the injured children. The children. Innocent, trusting, fragile. Helpless. “Children,” she wept.

She cried so hard and so long that she never heard the knock on the door, didn’t notice the whoosh of evening breeze sweep through the room as the door opened. Didn’t register the whispered, “Oh, for heaven’s sake.”

What finally got through to her was the wet rasp of a tongue against her tearstained cheeks. She opened her eyes to see Snowdrop’s precious little face. Sage let out a little groan and hugged her dog tight, launching into another round Copyright 2016 - 2024