How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,43

a T.

The blond hair, blue eyes, white toothed smile thing. He dressed nice but could dress sloppy and make it look good. When he dressed nice he looked like a puppet. And I liked being in control. When he dressed down, he looked like a painter or surfer. Except he couldn’t color a picture and stay in the lines. Speaking of which, his hands were the same. I spent so much time holding his wrist, putting his hand where I wanted it between my legs I could have considered him a sex toy.

“Derrick, I’m busy here,” I said. “You need to leave right now.”

“I’m just confirming…”

“Get out,” I growled. “Or I won’t go.”

He showed his hands and smiled at me.

His shirt was untucked, half unbuttoned. He looked like some douchey frat boy, living on his parents’ money, using that sexy smile to get anything he wanted in life.

So why was I tangled up with him?

Two simple reasons.

I had control. He had a nice dick.

“I’ll call you later, Callie,” he said. “You look really good. Love you all dressed up for business. You can yell at me later. Fire me. I’m a new guy. Trying to make copies and I can’t get the machine to work. So I’m just banging it… and you get angry… but turned on…”

“Derrick,” I growled.

“Right. I’m out.”

He made a peace sign and I cringed.

He left my office and I looked at Jackson’s office again.

He and Liam were no longer in there.

I wondered if Jackson ran to Vince. To work out some kind of deal. I fucked up the marriage but Jackson still wanted the money. Or better yet - he wanted the promotion.

I couldn’t even make it a full day married.

“What was that all about?” Misha asked.

“Why did I open the blinds?” I asked.

“Because you were afraid Derrick would see them shut and get hard.”

“That’s right. Dammit.”

“You’re having a morning here, Callie,” Misha said.

“You think? I made one mistake…”

“I think more than one,” Misha said.

“I’m this close to firing you.”

“You can’t afford to fire me.”

“Good point,” I said. “A few weeks ago during a slip up in the morning, we were having coffee, and it just felt okay. It felt normal. For one stupid second I thought maybe this could be something I wanted. You know? Rolling around the sheets. Falling asleep together. Waking up next to each other. Having coffee.”

“You mean a normal relationship?” Misha asked.

“Right,” I said, taking the hit without fighting back. “And that’s the one time Derrick decides to listen. I honestly thought I had chased him away. I mean, a guy like that wants nothing but free sex. So the second a relationship is brought up, it’s time to bolt. Which didn’t bother me. Except that his rich parents are throwing that charity event and I agreed to go.”

“You can’t bail on him?” Misha asked.

“No. It would look bad to his parents. My name is already on the list. It sounds terrible but I don’t want to get on their bad side.”

“So you’re stuck.”

“Not stuck. Fucked.”

“That too,” Misha said. “Can’t you fake sick? Fake your period? There’s got to be a way…”

I shook my head. “I’m not going to run and hide from problems, Misha. That makes me look weak.”

“Okay. So Derrick showed up today to tell you he wanted a relationship. What did he think when he saw the wedding band?”

“He didn’t even notice it,” I said. “I would have had to have it pierced through my nipple for him to see.”

“Oh,” Misha said. “Wow.”

“Yeah. I could shave my head and draw a mustache on my face and he wouldn’t notice as long as he had a glimmer of hope to see my chest. That’s how his attention span works.”

Misha sighed. “I wonder what your husband is going to think of this.”

“Well… I’m about to find out.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Jackson is coming our way.”

Jackson opened the office door and looked at Misha for a second before looking at me.

“Hey there, honey,” I said. “I mean, hubby.”

I giggled.

“Not funny,” he said. “How’s your morning?”

“Busy,” I said. “Yours?”

“Confusing,” he said. He looked at Misha again. “Don’t you have copies of something to make?”

Misha’s face turned red.

“Don’t be a dick to her,” I said.

Jackson stepped into the office and kept the door open.

We all stood in an awkward triangle.

“I’m going to go,” Misha said. “This is…”

“Go make some coffee,” Jackson said to her.

“Hey!” I yelled. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

Jackson set his sights on me. “Then maybe I should say what I want to Copyright 2016 - 2024