How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,42

is with Miranda.”

“Says the guy who’s married to his frenemy,” Liam said.

“No shame here. Once I get my hands on that one million, I’m going to be very happy.”

“How the hell are you going to go without sex for longer than a day?”

“I’ll manage.”

“How long does this happy marriage have to last for?” Liam asked.

“Not sure,” I said. “I’ll give it a little bit and then we’ll go after Vince. It’s not that complicated.”

“If you say so.”

I put my feet on the floor. “Liam. You’re like a brother to me. You think with your heart. You always have. That’s why you’re good at your job. Because you can’t use your heart. Everything has to make sense in your job. There’s no opinion. Just fact. Me? I use my head. I see things on a bigger scale.”

“You’re telling me your father would approve of this?”

My nostrils flared. “Really? You’re going to go there?”

“Why not?”

“I don’t think there’s much of anything my father would approve of around here. Maybe that’s why I want the company so bad. To get what should have been mine after he passed away. And to get things back to his vision. I know how outlandish this office is. I know my uncle is a money whore. And you know what? If Callie rises up above me, it’s going to get worse. Do I want to be married to her? Hell no. But for my father’s legacy and my own, so be it.”

Liam shook his head. “When you put it like that, it almost seems heroic.”

“That’s right. I’m a hero for this. Now I just need…”

My voice trailed off as I looked beyond Liam.

A few minutes ago some blond haired, pretty boy douchebag had gone into Callie’s office. Now this prick was sitting on the edge of her desk. Reaching for her hand.

“What the fuck?” I whispered.

I stood up.

Liam turned his head. “Oh, wow… that can’t be…”

The guy leaned in and planted a kiss to Callie’s lips.

Instantly, fire shot through me.

My hands tightened up into fists and my eyes went wide.

“What the fuck?” I asked again.

“You okay, brother?” Liam asked.

I looked at him. “No.”


“Of what? Some guy kissing her? No. If someone sees and our cover is blown, there goes my bonus.”

“You sure about that?”

“Liam. This is about money. Nothing else.”

My eyes moved back to Callie and the guy.

He was kissing her.

I was watching.

This was only about money.

I was angry about the possibility of losing the money.

Nothing else.

Nothing. Fucking. Else.

Chapter Twenty


Two really bad things happened at the exact same time.

The first was the moment Derrick decided to make his bold statement by sliding his hand to the small of my back and kissing me.

His lips touched mine and it was… oh, fuck.

Goodbye fake marriage to Jackson. Goodbye million dollar bonus. Hello rumors of me being a slut. Hello stories that I can’t hang with the ‘big boys’ and handle myself.

The second bad thing was the moment Derrick’s lips touched mine, I started to compare it to when Jackson and I kissed.

It took me a couple seconds to push Derrick away.

But he wasn’t having my answer of no.

He came in for another kiss, thinking he was doing the right thing. Thinking we were playing that stupid cat and mouse game.

The problem with Derrick (or at least one of many) was that he couldn’t kiss.

He was like an excited golden retriever seeing their owner after a long day of being alone, chewing on furniture and licking his balls.

His tongue was like sandpaper and he acted like it was a damp cotton swab desperate to clean my face of all my makeup.

Kissing him was like getting doused with a dirty hose.

I would usually just gently shake my head side to side and get his focus back to him and I getting naked to get down to business.

Not that that was going to happen on my desk. With the blinds opened. For everyone to see.

Jackson… fuck…

I pushed Derrick away again.

My eyes looked across the hall and both Jackson and his friend Liam were staring at me.

I stepped to the side and pointed to the door.

“You have to go,” I said.

“What? Come on, Callie. Who cares who sees us? Isn’t this what you’ve wanted?”

“No,” I said. “I never said that.”

“You literally told me to step up or stay away,” he said.

“I was drunk.”

“It was over coffee a few weeks ago.”

“I was on a sex high,” I said.

Derrick smiled. “So my sex is that good?”

He had the pretty boy looks and charm down to Copyright 2016 - 2024