How to Marry Your Frenemy - London Casey Page 0,108

the chance to take the company over and overhaul it. That meant going through every deal Vince made and figuring out what was done right or wrong and fixing it. I was lucky enough to have Eddie by my side too. He was my right-hand man going through everything. Any cash issues, Vince had to pay up. He basically bankrupted himself to save his ass. But his reputation was shattered.

And at the end of it all, I wrote him a check to go away.

Not for millions. Hell no.

But enough to make it that he could settle and stay away.

I made him choose somewhere north and west.

I pictured him in a shitty apartment in the pouring rain with buckets on the floor collecting ceiling leaks. All the while he sat in front of an old laptop looking for his next scam.

Let him live and let him suffer.

That was fine with me.

I had everything I wanted and needed right in front of me. I didn’t need to dwell on the past and on Vince.

I took my father’s legacy and dream and rebuilt it.

Callie took the company we started and built it up.

We were busier than ever, but always had time for each other.

Her mother’s business was finally thriving. The books were cleaned up. Misha managed the place the way it needed to be run. All the bills were paid. And the taxes too.

It was good to see Callie and her mother get along.

It was still a little weird to go to the shop and have Joni, Lake, and Sunny eye fuck me. They were sweet ladies but sometimes it got really strange. Last week, Lake asked if she could pour candle wax on me. I wasn’t sure why because when she asked it, Joni threw a glass of cold water on her face. Lake screamed, blushed, and then apologized for what she said to me. Sunny then touched my arm and said I made their chakras go insane. Along with body parts…

There was a soft knock at the apartment door as I sipped a glass of whiskey.

I looked down at myself.

I was in jeans.

That was more clothing than I usually wore around the apartment with Callie.

I put my glass down and walked to the door.

There was another knock.

“Hold on,” I said.

I slowly opened the door.

“Liam?” I asked.

“Hey,” he said. “Sorry to bother you. Are you and Callie…”

“No, we’re done,” I said. “She’s sleeping. You look like shit.”

“I am shit,” he said. “Fuck, Jackson, I’m fucked right now.”

“What’s going on?” I asked. I opened the door. “Come on. Man, you really look rough. What’s…”

Liam pointed to the whiskey glass and ran for it.

He downed the entire thing and put his hands to the counter and took a deep breath.

“Wow,” I said. “You’re a mess. Did Miranda finally get a good look at your dick? She knows the truth about how small it is?”

Liam looked back at me. He looked ready to cry.

This was serious.


“What is it?” I asked.

“I can’t marry Miranda,” Liam said.

“Cold feet?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I’m in love with someone else.”

Hey! Hey!

It’s good to be back!

It’s been a LONG few years of being on the sidelines. But I’m back. First of all, I hope you enjoy reading Jackson and Callie’s story. If that epilogue got your heart racing, good news is that you get to meet Liam and Emily right now. Once I’m done rambling here and wasting your time. *wink*

I wanted to talk to you real quick about my awesome newsletter. I’ve had an eventful few years and there are stories to be shared. I mean that literally too.

My newsletter has some FREE stories I’ve written. You click, download the ebook, and it’s all yours.

The newsletter itself contains some top secret information regarding my situation of the crazy cat next door and the new-ish hot guy neighbor that moved in. Plus a super embarrassing story that involves a hot pink toy…

Total *eek* but worth the laugh now. Just click the link below and toss in your email addy and you’re good to go!


One more quick thing!

I have a new email address. Please add [email protected] to your contacts. Feel free to email me to say HEY or tell me what you think about Jackson and Callie. Better yet - make sure you leave a review on Amazon for Jackson and Callie!

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