Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,90

have faith.”

Why I didn’t propose in that second is beyond me. It was perfect.

My cell phone rings, and I see it’s Perry. “You calling to brag, or to tell me tonight’s going to be better?”

I refer to his performance last night on the ice. He was on fire, scoring two goals.

“You bet your ass I’m going to fucking kill them. Last night was a warm up.”

“There’s the cocky attitude all the ladies love.” I laugh with him.

“Yeah, speaking of ladies, that’s why I’m calling.”

“Tell me this isn’t going to become a PR nightmare.”

“This isn’t about me. This is about you.”

All laughter stops, and a chill shoots up my spine. “What about me?”

“You and Bizzy break up? I ask, because I respect the hell out of you. Is Bizzy fair game?”

“Hell fucking no! Why would you even say that?”

“Chill, I’m only asking because a few of the players came to a bar for a low-key dinner. Imagine my surprise when she walked up and hugged me. Guys are fighting left and right to get to her.”

Crenshaw Bennett, the sports agent, wants to scream at him for leaving the hotel hours before a game and remind him he needs to be in the zone. Crenshaw Bennett, the boyfriend, wants to know exactly what is happening in this bar in Charlotte.

Guess which one wins out?

“I will kill any fucker who touches her. You need to relay that message.”

He chuckles and I no longer find his cockiness appealing. “I’m serious, Perry.”

“Okay, man, I’ll take care of it. But she’s with some hot chicks. You going to rip my head off if I offer them tickets to the game tonight or Sunday?”

“No, she’d probably love to go.”

“What’s so different about her? Something’s changed since we met. Not just her looks, but her whole attitude.”

I’ve put her through hell is the first thing that comes to mind.

“Her looks aren’t that different at all. But did she tell you what she’s doing there?”

“Yeah, she mentioned it.”

“Not sure how much she explained, but she’s had a lot on her plate these last few weeks. They lost a patient, and it hit her whole department hard. Today, she had a great presentation, so I’m sure she’s riding that high.”

“That’s probably it. I’d better go. We need to eat fast and get to the arena. I’ve got some ass to kick tonight.”

“I’ll be watching.”

“How about we make a little wager. If I can get a hat trick, you redo my contract and eliminate that additional ten percent you added when I was a prick?”

I can’t help but smile. He really is an arrogant bastard. “Perry Carver, you are looking at a three million dollar endorsement. Do you really want to antagonize me? How about you get a hat trick, win the series, protect my woman from your douchebag teammates, and I’ll THINK about reducing the fee.”

He gives a loud whistle and roars in laughter. “You’re an asshole, but I’ve got your back. See ya.”

I drop the phone and think about calling Bizzy then decide against it. I trust Perry to keep her safe, but even more, I trust Bizzy.

An idea slams into me. I search my calendar and buzz Gail. “Gail, can you come in here for a minute?”

“Don’t you need to get going? The appointment is in forty five minutes,” she reminds me.

“Yes, I’m on my way out, but I need your help. How long will it take to get me set up with a fully operational home office?”

“You already have a home office.”

“I should say, a remote office. I need complete functionality with all accesses.”

“Depending on the equipment you need, it could be done within a week.”

“Do it. You have my permission to sign off on any requests. I’ll get it approved on my end.”

“What’s going on, Shaw?”

“After my lunch tomorrow, I’ll need a one way ticket to Charlotte. I’ll have my laptop, but send all necessary equipment to Bizzy’s apartment.”

An approving smile tugs at her lips as she nods. I grab my things and kiss her lightly on the cheek before leaving. “Don’t know what I’d do without you,” I tell her honestly.

When I get to my car, I send an email to my boss letting him know my plans. As expected, he replies immediately with approval, which is humorous because I didn’t ask for permission. One way or another, I’m going to Charlotte.

My palms are sweaty as I open the restaurant door and usher my parents through. It’s not nerves; it’s a sense of urgency Copyright 2016 - 2024