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but instead, he lays a soft kiss across my lips, moving his hands to my hair. “Promise me you’ll come home. You’ll come here, make this our house. No more apartment. No more holding back. Promise me, the minute you step back into Miami, it will be to this condo where we will move forward.”

“Okay,” I say breathlessly, wanting that more than anything.

“I’ll still worry about you. Don’t be surprised if I fly up every weekend.”

“I’d love that.”

“And I’ll have Gail arrange for movers and packers and have all your stuff here when you come home.”

“Okay,” I agree easily, feeling a little guilty about using Gail, but I’m not going to argue.

He holds me close, breathing deeply as we both stay quiet.

“I’m so sorry I made you upset,” I speak first.

“Upset is an understatement. I thought you were going to announce you asked for reassignment to another department. Imagine my surprise.”

It’s my turn to be shocked. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Because of the way Grady’s death affected you. Because of the way each child’s death or diagnosis affects you. Maybe it was wishful thinking that you’d do it for me since I’ve been begging you for a while, even before we got together.”

“Shaw, you may be a badass, sports agent extraordinaire, but you can’t win this argument. If I ever feel it’s too much, I’ll make the decision.”

“It’s a moot point now, since I was way off base. But, so you know, if it ever gets too much, we’ll be having this conversation again. I can be very persuasive.”

I want to argue, but he’s right. He can be very persuasive, and I’d do anything for him.

I study the agenda Evie hands me and review my housing, schedule, and flip through the patient backgrounds. Nothing seems out of order except my housing.

“Furnished apartment? I thought I was in an extended stay hotel?”

“With your late decision to join, we had to make different arrangements. It’s a very nice place, and it’s within walking distance to the hospital. Not to mention, you’ll have a car service if needed.”

“I was going to drive, but that’s nice to know.”

“So you and Claire are required to behave. No shenanigans.”

I giggle and hide my head. The day Claire found out I was going, she begged to go, too. Her assignment starts a week after mine, and she’s already planning our “Welcome to Charlotte” party.

“Bizzy, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you and what you’ll bring to the staff in Charlotte, but are you sure you want to do this?”

Evie knows… Evie knows everything. She was with Nicky and his parents when they received the news he was clear. She was also with me and my parents when I received the same news. She welcomed me with open arms when I transferred floors, and she’s known since I was fourteen about my crush on Shaw.

“Yes, I’m actually excited.”

“You were exceptional during Grady’s funeral. His parents are still bragging about you to the administration. You ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

My eyes and nose start to sting, because this woman has shaped my life. I became a nurse because of her. Among other things…

“I will. I’ll call.”

She hands me a small envelope. When I open it, I gasp. It’s filled with pictures of me and Nicky all those years ago. Good, bad, and ugly.

“Where’d you get these?”

“I’ve kept them. If you look through, you’ll see some of all the families, including you and Shaw. I think they’re important for you to take with you.”

“They’re priceless.” I hold them to my chest and once again fight back the emotions bubbling up.

“Go on and get out of here. I’ll see you in a few weeks when I’m in Charlotte.”

She waves me off but not before I catch the glistening in her eyes.

I clean out my locker and toss my backpack over my shoulder. Claire pouts at me as she passes, giving me a quick kick to the shin. She wants to leave with me tomorrow. Bet she’ll be less aggravated when she finds out we are staying in a furnished apartment instead.

I round the corner and stop dead. Sasha Crane is leaning against the nurse’s station, her hands resting on her rounding stomach and staring down the patient hallway.

Shit! The elevators and stairwell are behind her. There’s no way to escape without passing her. Plus, I really need to get to the staff computer before I leave. Seeing her in her designer suit Copyright 2016 - 2024