Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,59

must not have heard me. I’m not going anywhere, meaning not leaving, not letting you out of my sight.”

“You’re leaving so I can sleep, cry, scream, and try to wrap my head around the fact that my boyfriend is having a baby with my high school nemesis, who incidentally found a way to continue her adolescent torture and bullying throughout my college years. A campus of twenty-five thousand and I still had to endure the wrath of Sasha Crane.”

“That’s exactly why I’m staying. Sleep, cry, scream, anything you want, but you’ll do it with me.”

The weight of the last few days and now the last few minutes comes crashing down, and I stop struggling. Then I think about a future with Sasha Crane in my life, sharing a child with Shaw.

This is really going to piss her off.

“She’s not going to deal with us very well.”

“No, she’s not.”

“Let’s hope she’s let go of some of her aggressive tendencies. Maybe she’s matured?”

“Don’t count on it. She’s a spoiled bitch used to getting what she wants. This time, though, she’s not going to touch you.”

“Everything is going to change.”

He slides us down until I’m on my back and he’s hovering above me, one hand moving to caress my cheek. His eyes shine with so much love and torture at the same time, I feel my own start to pool with tears.

“Everything may change. This isn’t going to be easy, by any means. I’m a selfish bastard to ask you to stay, but I can’t live without you. The only way I can get though this is to have you by my side. So stick with me, Lizbeth, and trust me to protect you. I’ve said it already, but losing you isn’t an option.”

“I still need time, Shaw.”

“You can have your time with me glued to your side.”

I can’t stop the giggle that escapes, which turns into a full scale laughing fit. He cracks a small smile, but it looks pained, as if he’s waiting for me to turn hysterical. Instead, I twist into him, and remember why I’m in love with his possessive, protective, and bossy ass.

Even with my heart shattered and my future in absolute shambles, I let him hold me.

“Are you really okay?” Nicky takes my hand and leads me to the elevator, waving to the kids still screaming his name until the doors close us in.

“Stop asking me that.”

“I’ll stop asking when I’m convinced, which is not now. You still look a little pale to me.”

“Jeez, thanks. Way to boost my already fragile self-esteem.” I pinch the only centimeter of skin I can on his bulging bicep.

“OW!” he yelps. “That hurt!”

“Big baby. Didn’t you get plowed down by someone in Sunday’s game? Surely that man had more impact than my tiny, little pinch.” I joke with him, knowing he’s sensitive about being sacked.

“Not cool, Biz.”

“Serves you right for saying I look like shit.”

“That’s not what I said. I said you were pale, but truthfully, you can pull off the whole pale look, especially with unicorns jumping around on your scrubs.”

“Shut up.” I unlatch our joined hands and start slapping at him playfully. He overpowers me easily, pinning my arms behind my back, and tickles me until I beg for mercy.

That’s how we are when the doors open, and the people waiting for the elevator are faced with me squirming like a fish.

I straighten quickly, trying to regain my composure. But no one pays any attention to me when they recognize Nicky. He gets a few pats on the back and praises of ‘good game’ as he hurries past, leading me toward the cafeteria.

“I’m sure word already got out that you are here. The kids’ parents were as excited as the children themselves.”

“Yes, but I want a few minutes alone with you, not signing autographs or discussing game strategy.”

We file in line, and he hangs over my shoulder, watching me make my salad. I almost throw a tomato in his face until I remember it’ll bring attention to us and he’s trying to lay low.

“Will you stop looming and go get us a water?” I semi-growl under my breath.

“You don’t want a Coke?”

“Shit no, just a water.”

He dips down to look at my face and makes a production of feeling my forehead and checking my cheeks. I jab him in the ribs, giving him a dirty look, until he goes to the drink cooler and meets me back in line. As always, he insists on paying then drags me Copyright 2016 - 2024