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my plate and causing a huge banging. All four heads swing to me, and beads of sweat pour down my face and neck. Heat threatens to suffocate me. I make the critical mistake of looking at Mathis first and see the comprehension in his eyes. We hold our stare-down until I hear glass shattering and turn to see Bizzy’s wine glass in shards on her plate, the wine spilling everywhere.

Her eyes are wide and glassy, pleading with me. I can’t do anything but stare, trying to find words… any words.

The air in the room goes still as everyone’s eyes dart between Bizzy and me, realization dawning on her beautiful face as it starts to crumble.

“The distractions, the over the top affection, the headaches?” It’s a question only I understand. She’s piecing the last few weeks together.

My voice won’t cooperate, failing me.

“It’s yours?”

“This has got to be a mistake, a huge fucking mistake,” Nick thunders, slamming his fist on the table. “How in the motherfucking world could this even happen? We hate that bitch!”

Shame crashes into me as I continue to stare, my eyes begging with her.

“No, no, no…” She lets out a broken sob, her body starting to tremble.

I sit mute, still unable to speak. But the silence is her answer. She leaps up. In a flash, she’s snatched her purse off the counter and is out my front door.

“I’m so sorry,” is all that creaks out before I watch the door slam, crushing my heart.

Chapter 16


I slink into the nurse’s lounge and walk on autopilot to the back, heading for the private shower. Once I’m naked and sure I’m alone, my legs give out, dropping me to the floor where I sit cross-legged, letting the warm water wash away my tears. I cry for the hundredth time in two days, wondering when my tear ducts will dry up.

No food, little liquid, and little sleep take over, and I lean against the wall, going through the motions of cleaning myself.

Long after my skin is pruned, I stand, forcing myself to dry and dress for the meeting Nurse Evie called today. It’s mandatory every nurse on the floor attend, and I don’t want to look like a walking zombie.

Fat. Fucking. Chance.

Claire meets me in the lounge, handing me my favorite coffee, and I attempt a smile, which turns out more like a grimace.

She leads me to the back of the meeting room and goes about braiding my hair. When she’s done, she slides her hand into mine and tugs me to lean on her.

This is the only way she knows to take care of me. I haven’t spoken much since fleeing Shaw’s place on Friday night. Once I ran out, she was hot on my heels, telling me to hold it together until she got us away. I let her drive us through downtown Miami, screaming at anyone in her way until we arrived at a penthouse complex. Even through the walk to the elevator, the ride, and her quiet whispers to the doorman, nothing hit me. When she led me into a plush condo, I fell onto the sofa.

And didn’t get up…

She laid with me all night, bringing blankets, pillows, and bottles of water while I wailed. She tried to make sense of something both of us knew was horrible. I finally passed out, her hugging me close and promising to make it better.

The next day, I woke, sore and heartbroken, finally taking in the lavishness of the place. It was incredibly fancy. More fancy than the suite Shaw had gotten us in Tampa. I tried to be quiet as tears ran down my face, but she woke and explained it was one of her parents’ properties, and we were off the grid. I was safe to break down.

Shaw wouldn’t find us.

Her apartment, my apartment, Nick’s apartment, they were all places Shaw would search, but here we were fine. Both of us had to be at work that night, so she made some calls, and within a few hours, we had fresh clothes, including scrubs.

When we got to work, I forced myself to pull it together— smiling, laughing, and trying my best to keep my kids’ spirits up.

My tears dried until my shift was over and I saw Mathis, in street clothes, talking to Evie. This was his day off, so he was probably waiting on me. I wasn’t ready to see him, but I also wasn’t ready to go home.

So I snuck downstairs to the regular pediatric unit Copyright 2016 - 2024