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clenching her around my dick.

We both let out a cry as I surge once more and explode, coming so hard, my vision blurs.

My arms give out and I fall to my elbows, framing her face in my hands. We both fight to regain our breaths our hearts beating together.

I was wrong earlier. I’m not only obsessed, I’m possessed by this woman.

She blinks a few times, her eyes clearing as they land on mine.

“I think I married well, Mr. Bennett.” A sexy smile forms on her lips, as her hands slide up and down my back.

Just like that, my dick jerks, still inside her, and I’m ready to go again.

“We have a lifetime to prove that.” I lean in and smooth my lips over hers.

Then I start moving again, this time determined to go slow. This is going to be a night she’ll never forget.



One Month Later

The waves beat against the sand, a warm breeze filling the living room from the open balcony. I pour two mugs of coffee and walk back to the bedroom, where Shaw is grumbling. I stop in the doorway to appreciate the view. He’s propped on a pillow, one arm cocked behind his head, the other holding the phone to his ear. The thin sheet barely covers his waist, where he’s completely naked underneath. I lick my lips, staring at his tan torso, until his throat clears.

He rolls his eyes at me, as I practically skip back to him, setting our cups on the nightstand and crawling into his side.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what she wants. Tell her to get her own nanny.”

Caldwell’s response is muffled.

“She can pay for that, too. I’m not playing her game. She made her bed, she can lie in it. I’m done. If she tries to poach our nanny, she’ll regret it. It’s bad enough I have to split custody fifty-fifty.”

More muffled conversation.

“Anything else?”

I move closer to try and hear, but it’s useless.

“Well, next time, tell her to go fuck herself. This is exactly why I don’t deal with her.”

This time, I hear laughing.

“Okay, man, thanks. I’ll tell Bizzy, too. Make sure you mention to Sasha I want Brayden at my house no later than six next Sunday. No excuses. She pulled that shit when we got home from our honeymoon, and it wasn’t cool.”

He hangs up and throws his phone across the bed, his arms circling me.

“Let me break it down. She’s freaked out about his teething and wanted to know what I do to calm him, then she’s decided we need to nanny share and wants you to agree?” I guess.

“Basically, but Mom’s handling the teething thing. She’s sending an email this morning. Sasha fucks with our nanny, I’ll be pissed.”

“We only have her part time. She could technically work for Sasha, too.”

“Bullshit, that’s why I pay her so well. Sasha’s trying to be sneaky, but I’m onto her.”

“We have nothing to worry about. She’s not fond of Sasha, but she’s crazy about Brayden.”

“She’s a smart girl. I’m glad you found her.” He kisses the top of my head.

“So let’s forget that phone call and go back to enjoying our Saturday,” I suggest, snuggling closer.

“I like that idea. Why are you dressed?” His hand snakes down to my hip and tugs on the hem of my nightgown.

“Because we needed coffee.”

At the mention, he twists and comes back with the two mugs. I sit up beside him and take one.

“So, I’ve been thinking about something.” I eye him over the rim of my cup.

“And that is?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I’m going to start the process of moving to PRN.”

There’s a flare in his eyes as he takes a sip and waits for me to continue.

“It’s part of my long term plan.”

“Do I know about this long term plan?”

“Sort of, but I’m telling you now. Having Brayden has taught me a lot.”

“What is that?”

I take both our cups and put them back on the nightstand then swing my legs over his to straddle him. His eyes start to heat as he bucks into me. “This sounds like my kind of plan.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

“It might be, so listen to me.”

“How can I not when your pussy is grinding against me?”

“Shaw!” I swat at his roaming hands. “I’m being serious.”

“I am, too.”

I grab his wrists and lock them down on his chest. “So, I was thinking about the future.”

He freezes, his eyes now alert.

“I know we’re newly married, but—”

“Bizzy, spit it out.”

I draw in a deep breath and look Copyright 2016 - 2024