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and the thin strip of lace holding her panties up.

When I touch the bare skin of her ass and know what she’s been hiding from me under her dress, I growl against her tongue. My fingers glide directly to the front of the lace and start playing with her clit.

She whimpers, breaking away and moving her hands to my pants, going straight for my zipper. The second her hand grasps my dick, I let out a hungry growl. Like every time we touch, she’s unraveling me.

I remove my hand and make quick work of kicking off my shoes and socks before stripping out of my pants. When I look up, Bizzy’s eyeing me appreciatively with a seductive grin on her lips.

She slowly bends down and reaches for the straps on her shoes, but I move quicker, picking her up and stalking to the bed.

“The shoes stay, for now.”

Once I lay her down, I take one more glance before I start to kiss down her chest, pausing only to pull the bra to the side to expose her nipples, both tight and begging for attention. I circle my tongue around one, then the other, as she arches into me.

My teeth graze her breastbone and easily snap open the clasp of her bra, which falls to the sides. She gives a little purr, her calves rubbing up my thighs and the heels of her shoes scraping lightly. The plan was to go slow, savor every inch of her, and reconfirm my undying commitment as I made love to her for our first time as man and wife. But a sense of desperation begins to build, and my control disappears.

My lips trail all the way down her body, leaving kisses everywhere until I reach her ankle and slowly remove her shoe, then repeat the process on the other foot. At last, the only thing between us is the flimsy lace g-string, which is visibly soaking wet.

My dick lurches, blood rushing to it painfully, and all control snaps. I’ll do slow and sweet later, but now, I need to taste her, touch her, and hear her scream. I reach up and tear the sides of the lace, ripping it from her body and tossing over my shoulder.

There’s a roaring in my ears when I see that she’s completely bare. Her sweet pussy looks like creamy silk. She’s smooth everywhere.

“Surprise,” she repeats again, in a husky, throaty voice, spreading her knees across the bed.

I can’t form the words, but I’m pretty sure my heart and my dick can’t take another surprise tonight. My mouth waters as I kiss back up her thighs and finally swipe my tongue along her lips. The first taste of her sets off a primal need, one that will only be satisfied when she shouts my name.

I nuzzle my beard around the sensitive area then bury my tongue inside her as far as possible. Her hands go to my head as I swirl, lick, and suck. She starts to whimper and rumble, signaling she is close. My balls tighten to the point of pain at the sound, but I can’t stop. She clutches at my scalp, and squeezes her thighs. I flick my tongue against her clit, and she bucks hard, calling my name as she flies apart, her legs falling to the side.

I don’t wait for her to come down, moving up fast and aligning my throbbing dick at her entrance. It takes every ounce of willpower not to slam into her the instant I see her underneath me. Her dark hair is tousled wildly on the bed, her body is trembling, and her eyes are boring into mine. If possible, I become even more obsessed with my wife as she stares at me with so much love and longing.

Slowly, I sink into her, feeling every inch of her accept me. My teeth grind together when she lets out a moan, closing her eyes and arching her hips and back. I brace my shaky arms on each side of her shoulders and lower my mouth to hers, kissing her at the same rhythm I move inside.

Her hand moves to my back as she starts to thrust against me, meeting me with every stroke. It doesn’t take long before I have to lift away for air. My movements speed as I rock into her. Electric sensations shoot up and down my spine, and I can’t hold back anymore.


“I’m with you.” Her fingertips dig into my shoulder blades as she lifts up, Copyright 2016 - 2024