Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,13

fill my nosy brother in on all I have planned for the weekend.

“You sure it’s a good idea to take the woman you’re interested in to dinner with some young, twenty-something athletes? Seems a little risky to me.” He raises an eyebrow and gives me an annoying grin. “You’ll be replaced before you even get a shot.”

“You’re an asshole,” I rumble and throw a pen across my office at him.

His words sink in, and my mood goes to hell. He’s right. I need a plan.

The kind of plan that changes both our lives.

Chapter 4


This is paradise. Absolute paradise. I lean over the balcony, close my eyes, and inhale deeply, smelling the salt in the air as the sea breeze hits me. The sound of music from the outdoor bar is faint, but I recognize the song and smile.

I roll my neck a few times and feel the tension draining as the anxiety of the day melts away. When I got off shift this morning, I was exhausted, but as soon as I walked through my door, my energy returned. It has been years since I actually got away for a few days with nothing to do. Claire and I rarely get the same few days off, so when we do, we usually head to the local beach or spend the day pampering ourselves. Shaw, Mathis, and I try to go to at least two away games a season to support Nick, but those are hectic. So the thought of four days with nothing but sun, sand, and relaxation is awesome.

Claire was as excited as me and showed up unexpectedly to help me pack. When she saw my selection of clothes, she insisted on a last minute trip to find ‘perfect’ dresses for the dinners with Shaw’s clients. She hustled me through three stores until we found what she deemed acceptable. Then she decided I needed ‘perfect’ lingerie as well, which led to her explaining I need to be ready for anything.

She was trying to be sly, but I knew what she was up to. And for those few hours, I allowed myself to think about buying these items for Shaw. Each piece I picked out, his face filled my head, wondering if he’d like it. Then I came back to reality and remembered there would never be a ‘Shaw and Bizzy’. But for those few hours, I never stopped smiling.

“I don’t think this was in the brochure when Gail booked the room.” Shaw’s voice startles me, and I turn to find him watching from the doorway. He’s changed out of his suit and is now in casual shorts and a t-shirt that fits tight around his chest and arms. Nicky told me Shaw and Mathis had been trying to join him with his workouts. Mathis’s schedule has been unpredictable, but obviously, Shaw has been able to make time.

“What do you mean?”

“I knew the place was nice, but having a gorgeous woman on the balcony at sunset would be a great marketing tool.”

Heat creeps up my cheeks as it usually does every time he gives me a compliment.


He chuckles and walks out, joining me at the railing. “How’s your room?”

“Huge, beautiful, extravagant. This whole suite is extravagant. I’m pretty sure it’s bigger than my apartment.”

“This is all Gail. Most of the time when I travel, I don’t spend enough time in the room to care, but she wanted you to have the best.”

“It’s very unnecessary. I would be happy in a regular room.”

“Yes, but I’m more comfortable having you here.” He slides closer and takes one of my hands in his, linking our fingers.

I try to stop my head from spinning. We’ve held hands hundreds of times. It’s purely a platonic gesture. I swallow to moisten my throat and give his hand a squeeze. “You know I’m a big girl, right? There’s no need to be so protective.”

He turns to face me, and I notice something in his gaze. Something unfamiliar and intense. His eyes search my face and then land on mine, sending a chill down my spine.

He uses his free hand to frame my face and rubs his thumb along my cheek. My heartbeat races with bells ringing in my ears. I bite the inside of my lip to stop from squeaking.

“I know you’re a grown woman, Bizzy. It’s hard to miss. As much as I’d like to agree that I wanted you near me for protective reasons, I’d be lying. It’s purely selfish.” His usually deep voice is Copyright 2016 - 2024