Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,126

comes out ragged. “Something’s wrong.”

“Jesus Christ, what is it?”

“Shooting, sharp pains, abdominal cramps, my legs are going weak,” she forces out through gritted teeth, grabbing the car for support.

Then I see it; a trickle of fluid drips down her leg, followed by another and another.

Fuck, this can’t be happening. She can’t go into labor right here in Shaw’s parking garage. What the hell am I supposed to do? My mind races until all my years of nursing finally kick.

“Sasha, we need to sit you down.”

I drop my bag and go to her slowly, reaching my hand to her back. “I’m going to help get you to the passenger seat of my car. We really need to get you settled. Remember, I’m a nurse.”

She snarls when I slide my hand from her back to her waist, trying to lean her weight on me. Her head snaps up, and she shoves me with all her force. I’m too unsteady to brace and fly back, hitting my head on my side mirror. Pain cracks through the back of my skull, but I shake my head to regain focus. She’s dropping fast.

It doesn’t even register to call an ambulance as I leap up and catch her fall. She groans as I practically drag her to the other side of my car, throw the door open, and get her in the seat. She’s not fighting me. Instead, she’s sweating profusely, and her eyes are now dilated and unfocused.

“FUCK!” I scream. “Sasha, try to stay awake. Talk to me, yell at me… Whatever you do, don’t close your eyes. I’m going to get us to the hospital!”

I buckle her in, my hand brushing against her protruding belly. She finds the strength to bat my hand away. Thank God, it’s something.

I race to the driver’s side and grip the handle as dizziness washes over me, and I feel something warm running down the back of my neck. Shit, just what I need. I get in, ignoring the pounding in my head.

She whimpers as I reverse and take off, speeding out of the garage toward the hospital. I reach in my pocket and find my phone, calling nine-one-one.

The dispatcher answers, and I interrupt her greeting, my own panic starting to kick in.

“This is Lizbeth Hastings. I have a thirty-three week pregnant woman in my passenger seat who possibly is going into early labor. She’s also going into shock. I’m a nurse and see signs of watery discharge, as well as heavy sweating and confusion.”

I give the dispatcher my location, and she tells me she’ll dispatch an ambulance to try and intercept me, but she’ll also alert the emergency room. I drop my phone and grip the wheel with both hands, trying to concentrate. I glance at Sasha about the time her head jerks up, and she looks around blankly.

Her eyes land on me, and full-blown terror sets in. She has a murderous look on her face. In a swift move, she lurches at me, grabbing the wheel.

“Fuck no! Stop this car now!”

“Sasha, stop!” I scream. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“You don’t get to be the hero here. You’ve stolen enough from me. You don’t get to steal this, too. It’s for Ren and me only.”

I can’t fight her strength, and she turns the wheel so hard ,we go flying in a circle. I feel the first impact as my door crushes under pressure, and I’m pinned, my arm stuck. The only thing I can do is slam on the brakes as we lose all control. I lose count of all the spins and hits we take until we finally stop. I look at Sasha, who’s conscious and bracing on the dashboard. I think I see a flash of sorrow in her eyes right before I let out a ragged scream and feel the pain take over.

Then I hear the sirens.

Chapter 33


Nicky owns the crowd as Mathis and I stand to the side, watching the adoring fans shoving items in his face for autographs. The whole team files through the roped off area and soaks up the attention.

Mathis and my phones both ring at the same time, and we walk past the group.

“Bennett,” I shout over the noise.

“S-s-s-hhhhhawwww,” Claire’s broken voice cuts through the line.

“Claire? What’s wrong?”

At the same time, Mathis starts barking into his phone and takes off running to the waiting limos. My heart skips a beat as I take off after him.

“It’s Bizzy.”

I stop, my knees going weak.

“What’s Bizzy?”

She starts sobbing through the line, and Copyright 2016 - 2024