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time we set this shit straight.”

“What shit is that exactly?” I fight hard to keep my voice steady. This is the first time I’ve seen her in months, since she stopped by the hospital unannounced. I hate to admit it, but she’s still beautiful. I’d hoped she’d have blown up or had some of the side effects women talk about while being pregnant, but not her. She’s fit, trim, and all baby belly.

Her hair, make-up, and choice of maternity dress looks perfect on her. Even with the nasty glare she’s shooting at me.

“You say you love Ren, so it’s time you understand, if you don’t end this farce of a ridiculous relationship, you will cost him his son.” She stops less than three feet in front of me.

“Stop talking right now. I refuse to stand here and have this conversation. Especially after all you’ve done to Shaw and me. If you have anything to say to me, it should go through Caldwell.”

“Bullshit! Time for lawyers is done. We’re settling this today. You don’t get to live this life that is supposed to be mine. Ren and I are a perfect match. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he’s blinded by pity for you. That’s the only explanation for this insane behavior. You’re making him choose between you and his own flesh and blood. You are nothing.”

Eleven years of pent up frustration, intimidation, and insecurity finally blows up, and I stand tall, returning her stare.

“You are a jealous, narcissistic, self-centered, and obviously deluded woman. This isn’t supposed to be your life, because there is no you and Shaw. I know he slept with you in a drunken haze, both times. He’s admitted his mistakes and lack of judgment, both things he will live with for the rest of his life. You may have had hearts in your eyes when he went home with you that night in July, but did you even ask him what he was doing out that night? Did you know he was at that bar because I had just walked away from a date? He and his brothers are protective and nosy and came out to make sure they didn’t need to run interference. That’s not pity. That’s love. So, in actuality, you were an easy lay when he was drunk. Why don’t you understand that? He’s told you numerous times.”

Her eyes flare, growing with more rage. I continue before I lose my nerve.

“You think you’re perfect for each other? That’s because you are the social climbing bitch, looking for a man like Ren to take PITY on you. Too bad you picked the wrong man. He loves me and has proven over and over again how much. He also loves your son, and we both know he’s going to be an incredible and loving father. He’s come to terms with the situation, and he’ll fight ‘til his dying breath if you try to keep him from this baby.

“But you know what, that’s not going to reflect on him. That’s going to reflect on you because you can’t get over your petty and immature grudges and ridiculous war you’ve waged on me. I’m not going anywhere, Sasha, ever. This may be cold, but you need to hear it. Shaw doesn’t like you, his parents are skeptical, Mathis and Nick can’t stand you, and I hate you with a passion. However, I’ve decided to put my feelings aside to help Shaw raise this child. It’s time you do the same. You don’t even call him by the right name!”

There’s an avalanche of emotions that run over her face at my words. Any other time, I’d revel in the fact that this evil bitch is finally realizing she’s not going to win this battle. I’m not running anymore. I’m standing up for myself and the man I love with all my heart. She’s going to use my words against me. I know it, and I’ll have a lot of explaining to do for Caldwell to clean up this mess, but it was time.

My sense of accomplishment is short-lived as she grabs her stomach and bends at the waist, letting out a howl filled with pain. I don’t dare step forward, waiting to see if this is a trick. When her face starts to twist and she stumbles into the car behind her, I start to get concerned. She yells out, her cry splintering through the air.

“Sasha?” I ask cautiously. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know!” her answer Copyright 2016 - 2024