Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,111

and circles the tip, and my balls tighten. It takes all my strength to fist her hair and gently pull her back up to me.

Her eyes light up in surprise and confusion right before I slam my mouth to hers, winding us so she rolls, tucked partially under me. I kiss her deep, while removing my pants with my free hand.

My cock bounces free, hitting her hip, and she reaches down to grip it. When she starts to stroke, I break away from her mouth and kiss a path to her ear, sucking her earlobe into my mouth. “Babe, you keep doing that, it’s going to be over before it starts. It’s been too long.”

She loosens her grasp but doesn’t let go.

I skim my fingertips along her stomach until I reach her hipbones and slide my hand between her legs, feeling her slick heat instantly. One finger slides in easily, and she lets out a groan that sets my blood on fire. My thumb grazes her clit at the same time I slip another finger inside. Her knee falls to the side, giving me deeper access. I twist and twirl my fingers while continuing to kiss behind her ear and down the column of her throat.

Her core muscles clench right as her hips buck into my hand. I move lower and suck one of her hard nipples into my mouth, circling my thumb in the spot that makes her go crazy.

She lets out a hushed moan and jerks on my cock, coming apart and trembling against my side.

My tongue does one last swirl around her nipple then lets go, as I slowly slide my hand to the side and move to hover over her. Her eyes are hazy at first clearing as she focuses on me. They glow a smoldering translucent blue, which is exactly what I hoped for.

I move between her legs and keep my eyes locked with hers as I slide in. She feels like silk; every inch of my cock tingles at the warmth. Her legs wrap around my hips as I sink deeper. My elbows shake, threatening to buckle at the intensity of the moment. She’s tight but easily pulls me all the way in.

“Tell me you love me,” I demand in a husky voice, needing to hear the words.

“I love you,” comes out in a rasp.

I start to move slowly, barely thrusting as I fight to regain control. The coiling in the base of my spine travels lower and threatens to erupt with each movement. Her hips swivel a few times, and I growl in frustration, my resolve weakening. She licks her bottom lip, knowing what she’s doing, and her eyes send a clear message… she’s trying to unravel me.

It’s working.

One arm moves under her shoulders, and I yank her up as I sit back on my knees. She gives a little yelp then chokes back a whimper when I have her pressed against me as close as possible. I heave up, and she’s forced to break eye contact as she throws her head back, groaning.

The vein in her neck ticks as her pulse races, and I feel her heart beating with my own. My body takes over as I grind and pump into her from below. Beads of sweat roll down my neck and back as I throb inside her. Her nails dig into my shoulder blades, and she clenches so hard on my dick I see stars as my release builds. She brings her head back up and drops it to my shoulder, her teeth grazing my skin until she bites down and cries out. I barely register the pain as I explode, feeling every sensation as I come harder than I ever have in my life.

Spots cloud my vision as I roar into her hair, feeling every beat of my orgasm pumping into her. She grasps tight, holding on, as we both tremble. No words are spoken for several minutes, both of us breathing heavy, as sex lingers in the air.

A sense of peace settles over me, knowing we’ve connected back to where we were. I swipe my tongue over her neck where it’s still pulsing and whisper, “Tell me you forgive me.”

“It may take days of making it up to me, but I forgive you.”

“Days, huh? How about a lifetime?” I smile against her skin, knowing in my heart this is the right moment. No stalling, no hesitation, this is it.

She goes stone still, and I have to pry loose enough Copyright 2016 - 2024