Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,110

parts her lips, darting out her tongue, and I kiss her gently, taking my time to enjoy every second of her in my arms this morning. My whole body ignites with need, but I force myself to end the kiss and twist to bring the food to our laps. She leans back, her head resting on my shoulder.

“I’ve never had breakfast in bed before,” she tells me in a dreamy voice.

Mental note… make this a Christmas Day tradition.

“I’ve never served breakfast in bed before, so I’d say this makes us even.” I cut off a piece of pancake and move it to her mouth.

She moans so seductively, my cock goes ramrod stiff, the sound sending messages to my brain.

“These have hazelnut cream in them. It’s my absolute favorite. How’d you do this?”

“I got help from the master herself.”

She lifts up enough to look at my face, and her eyes start to glisten. “You called my mom?”

“I couldn’t take the risk of ruining your very favorite breakfast. It would be a colossal failure to start our Christmas with shitty pancakes.”

She doesn’t say anything, but her face fills with happiness before she moves back, so I can continue feeding her. We eat in silence, except for her occasional grumble of appreciation, furthering the throbbing in my dick.

When the plate is clean, I place the tray on the nightstand and circle my arms around her. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”

“Merry Christmas, Shaw.”

“Let’s go to the living room.”

“I can’t move. I’m too full. I haven’t eaten that much in a long time.”

My gut aches with pain and more guilt, but I force it aside, knowing today is a new start.

“I’ll carry you.” I swing our legs over the side of the bed and lift her easily.

She lets out a small gasp when she sees what I’ve done. The blinds and curtains are closed tight, keeping the room dark except for the candles I relit and the tree shining. Her throw pillows from the sofa are arranged on the floor, next to several new presents under the tree.

“Where did those presents come from?”

“Claire’s closet. She instructed me to find them and put them under the tree.”

“But we’re not exchanging until she gets back.”

“She mentioned that, but wanted you to have these.”

“Oh no! I don’t have anything for her to open today!” Panic starts to rise in her voice.

“Shhh, I handled it.” I walk over and lower us to the floor.

She looks at me suspiciously. “What did you do?”

“I called Gail… she took care of it.”


“Claire is getting a Rolex from the both of us.”

“You bought my best friend a Rolex?”

“Oh yeah.” I smile proudly.

“You are insane! I bought her a year’s subscription to Netflix and a new pair of scrubs! How the hell can I compete with a Rolex?”

I laugh at her irritation, which riles her up more as she wiggles to get free. “Stop, baby. I’d buy her any fucking thing she wants for everything she’s done for you… and consequently me.”

“It’s really too much.”


She stops wiggling, and her face falls. “Shaw, I sent your present home with Nicky. Since I didn’t know when I’d see you again, I wanted you to have something from me.”

“I know. He told me, but don’t worry about it. You’re my present. This time alone with you on a day you love so much is my present.” I emphasize the words, hoping she understands how much this means.

She throws herself into me, draping her legs and arms around my hips and shoulders, burying her head in my neck and squeezing tight. I barely understand her mumble something about ‘best Christmas ever’.

In this position, her pelvis grinds against my dick, which remains hard. Her head snaps up, and a suggestive grin forms on her lips. Scooting back, she reaches down and rips my shirt over her head, leaving her completely naked.

My mouth goes dry as my heart starts to hammer in my chest. My eyes rake over every inch of her flesh, desire building to the point of explosion. I’m too lost in the vision to fight her when she pushes me to my back and lays on top of me, kissing down my chest and nipping along my abdomen. Her destination finally registers when she slides one hand inside the waistband of my pants and palms my dick, her other hand pushing the pants down.

Oh fuck! Her touch is enough to set me off, but if she sucks my dick, I’ll never last. Her tongue sweeps across the head Copyright 2016 - 2024