Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,11

with me.”

I say the words and taste the acid in my mouth. There’s nothing I want more than to be away with her for four days.

“I love hanging out with you. I just feel weird about this.”

Finally, I realize I can’t push anymore. She has to make the decision.

“It’s up to you, babe. If you want to back out, I’ll understand.”

Fuck, don’t let her back out.

She purses her lips and stays quiet. Then she inhales deeply and flings her head back, focusing on the ceiling. “You’re amazing, you know that? What time do we leave next Thursday?”

My heart beats double time, and I fight the impulse to raise my arms in victory.

“I’ll have a car pick you up around five.”

She grabs her phone and keys and comes to me, throwing her arms around my waist and her head against my chest. “Thank you, Shaw. I’m excited.”

“Me too,” I agree, even though excited is an understatement. The next six days can’t pass quickly enough.

“I have to go. I’m working all weekend. We have a nurse out sick.”

“Mathis on this weekend?”

“Sunday night. We’re going to try to grab dinner.”

Jealousy spikes in my blood. What the hell is wrong with me? She and my brother eat together all the time.

“You get hungry, you get sad, you need anything… you call me.”

She raises her head and locks eyes with me. A smile spreads across her lips. “I will.”

I reluctantly follow her to the door and watch until the elevator closes. Then I walk back to my patio and pour a full glass of whiskey and stare at the ocean, wondering what the fuck I’m going to do.

There’s a buzz around the office, knowing I’m meeting with three of the most sought after clients in the state over the next few days. My boss, who basically leaves me alone, has stopped by twice today to wish me luck. Even with everyone’s enthusiasm, I can’t seem to think about anything but Bizzy.

She’s texted or called me every day, mentioning something else she’s excited about. A long time ago, Nick told me her family used to do vacations every year until she got sick. The bills piled up and vacations became scarce. Her parents, Rory and Tom, got back on their feet, but the days of family getaways were over.

So, with her growing excitement, I asked Gail to make sure Bizzy had anything and everything she wanted. Spa treatments, a private cabana, whatever made her smile. There was no way to miss Gail’s approving smile as she promised to take care of it.

“Crenshaw,” Gail buzzes through the phone, and I roll my eyes at her continuous use of my formal name.


“Your brother’s on his way up.”

“Which one?”

“The smart one.”

I howl in laughter and glance at her through the glass. She gives me a wink then points to Mathis walking our way. He kisses her quickly on the cheek, and she motions for him to come in. I sit back in my seat and wait for him to lie down on the sofa as he usually does after a long shift. Instead, he sits in a chair opposite me and crosses his arms. His face is almost unreadable except for the tick in his jaw. It’s a surefire sign he’s pissed.

“This is a surprise. You okay?”

“Fuck no.”

“Something going on?”

“You tell me.”

“I get the sense you’re pissed, but I don’t have time to play guessing games, so spit it out.”

“What’s up with you and Bizzy?”

The force of his words shocks me, and I try to hide my flinch. “Not a damn thing. Why do you ask?”

“Bullshit! I saw the way you looked at her last week at dinner, closing in on her when you thought Nick and I were in the other room. The way you lit up when she decided to come along on this trip. It may have escaped a lot of people, but I know you. Not to mention, she’s a freaking loon… a floating loon. I’ve seen her almost every day at the hospital, and every time, she’s grinning.”

“Maybe she’s happy.”

“She works with cancer kids, you dumbass. Her heart is broken almost daily…”

He’s got a point I can’t even argue. “What do you want me to say?”

“I want you to tell me I’m sleep deprived and imagining this shit. Tell me you’re not interested in her, that I’m hallucinating. Fuck! Tell me anything that will make me more comfortable with her leaving for four days alone with you.”

I glare at my brother and then close Copyright 2016 - 2024