Hot Player (Hot Billionaire Daddies #7) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,47

after our adventure. Things got pretty wild up there. I was on a high. I wanted to give her the ride of her life, and I am pretty impressed with how well she handled the experience.

We rush back to the hotel, and Kim tells me she wants to freshen up before dinner. I give her some space and head out to the bar for a few drinks while I wait for her.

I’m drinking alone now, and I can’t stop thinking about how perfect the day was. When I planned this trip a few weeks ago, I wasn’t planning on doing it with someone else. But experiencing it with Kim has given me a new outlook.

About an hour later, Kim shows up at the bar. She looks freshly bathed. Her hair looks silky and golden. She’s wearing a sexy black dress and has some smoky makeup on that makes her look even more sultry.

She’s making her way towards me at the bar, and I can see people turn to look at her. She doesn’t notice them, as usual. She only has eyes for me.

“You look ravishing. Like I said, this is torture.” I reach for her hand and pull her close so I can kiss her lips. She sits in the chair beside me and turns to place her order with the bartender.

“You don’t look half-bad either,” she comments, and we turn to face each other again.

“Today was amazing. I had a lot of fun. I wasn’t expecting you to enjoy it.”

“I most certainly did. I’ve never done anything like it before, so you’ve given me the experience of a lifetime.”

“I get a lot of flak for it. Although aerobic flying is pretty tame if you know what you’re doing.”

Kim’s eyes narrow, and she nods.

“Flak from the board, you mean?”

“Yeah, and…” I reply and take in a deep breath. I wasn’t planning on going into this, but I feel a sudden camaraderie with her after what we experienced today. “And my mom.”

She nods again and looks away, probably remembering how I didn’t want to discuss this subject earlier.

“It’s okay, I’ve brought her up; you don’t have to get awkward about it.”

“I don’t want to pry, Kirk,” she replies, and I shrug.

“Things have always been rough between us, even though I do appreciate how difficult it must have been for her to raise me single-handedly. But it’s complicated. Everything else that goes with it,” I say.

Kim crosses her legs. I can’t take my eyes off the shape of her body, the way the dress is clinging to her.

“Things are always complicated with your parents. I have had what everyone would consider to be an ideal childhood. I love my parents, they have dedicated their whole lives to raising me well…and yet, I suffer from a severe anxiety of disappointing them. The fear is almost crippling,” she says.

I lean towards her, and I love how she doesn’t move away. She lets me get as close to her as I want.

“I don’t know how you could possibly disappoint anybody. You are amazing.”

She searches my eyes with a smile on her face. It seems at first that she doesn’t believe me, but I hold her gaze. I want her to know I’m not exaggerating. She is amazing. She is easily one of the most amazing people I have met.

Kim blushes and looks away.

“I thought you were paying me so I could give you all the compliments,” she says.

I want to kiss her again, feel her lips on mine. I want to push my tongue into her mouth, feel the swell of her breasts in my hands, but I know I need to control myself a bit longer. There are a few things we need to discuss first.

“I want to talk to you about my family. Do you want to hear it?” I ask.

Kim’s gaze doesn’t waver. There’s a faint smile on her face. There’s just something about the way she looks at me that makes me want to tell her everything. I feel like I can trust her, like she will understand. But what if she doesn’t? What if she is shocked by everything? My family’s history and my past can be shocking. Almost too crazy to be true.

“Yes, Kirk, I want to hear it. I would like to find out what makes you—you.”

She reaches over to touch my knee but doesn’t let her hand linger. Good. I don’t want to feel like she pities me. I’m not looking for her sympathy. Just someone to Copyright 2016 - 2024