Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,39

politely at the label.

“I’m sure you’re manageable in small doses,” I reply with a grin and then shrug. “I realized I never congratulated you on the merger. It’s a big step for you and your company.”

“A step in the right direction, I hope,” Blaire says.

It amazes me how we can slip into this “normal” chatter despite what happened between us. It’s almost like we’re both choosing to ignore the elephant in the room by pretending it never happened.

“Nobody who has ever partnered with me has regretted it,” I say, and her eyes brighten with mischief.

“That’s a tall claim coming from a man with a long list of one-night-stands,” she says, and her cheeks flush.

“Have you been investigating my sexual history?” I ask.

That was quick. How long were we polite and civilized with each other? Old habits die hard, I guess.

Blaire smiles and then steps aside.

“It’s not exactly a secret, Trevor. People love to gossip about the big boss.”

She has made way for me to enter her apartment, but I need to hear the words before I can believe she actually wants me inside her place.

I remain standing firmly at her door, and Blaire rolls her eyes.

“Do you want to come in and share a glass?” she says, and I step past her into the apartment. Our shoulders graze. Electricity passes through my body with another jolt. If things keep up like this, I’m going to be reduced to a scorched and bruised mess by the end of the night.

I follow Blaire to the kitchen area, where she grabs two glasses from her cabinet. She laughs when she manages to pop the cork and pours the champagne; it fizzes and dribbles down the side of the glasses, but she doesn’t care.

We clink them together.

“To a profitable business partnership!” she says as we take our first sip. We’re both staring into each other’s eyes.

Has she really forgotten what happened two days ago? Am I the only one who can’t move on? Maybe it was just a dream.

“Where’s Anya?” she asks as we continue to sip our champagne. I’ve been looking at the art on the wall. I hadn’t noticed previously, but Blaire has good taste in art.

“She’s staying with her grandmother tonight.”

“Oh, is she close with your parents?”

“It’s Nicola’s mom. They’re close, yeah.”

Blaire clears her throat. I can sense the subject makes her uncomfortable.

I turn to face her, and once again, I’m floored by just how beautiful she looks.

“Is there anything you want to ask me about Anya’s mother?”

“I don’t want to pry.”

“You are a part of my daughter’s life, even though neither of us would like to admit it, I guess. You can ask.”

She looks up at me, a little apologetically this time.

“How long did you know each other? I can’t even imagine how devastating it was for you.”

I look at one of Blaire’s paintings, hoping to make this easier. I don’t talk about Nicola with anyone, for a reason. Because I don’t know how to get past it.

“We didn’t know each other really until she fell pregnant. It was supposed to be a one-night stand. Like the ones you brought up earlier.”

Blaire actually looks a little guilty now.

“I didn’t mean…” she begins to say, but I shake my head.

“Yeah, anyway, Nicola and I decided to raise the baby as co-parents. We got to know each other during the pregnancy and became friends. She was the first person I was actually able to open up to. Maybe it was because I knew I would be tied to her for life, through Anya. Even though we had no romantic feelings for each other.”

Blaire is breathing gently, watching me closely.

“I can see she was a good mother to Anya.”

“Yes, a very good mother.”

“You have both raised a wonderful little girl and you should be proud.”

I look into Blaire’s eyes and nod. “I am proud of her, but I’m not sure I had anything to do with the way she’s turned out.”

“Children absorb everything around them, especially from their parents. You have been an influence on her in more ways than you realize.”

I clench my jaw.

I’m annoyed that I’m even allowing this conversation to happen. I’m not supposed to be standing here, taking advice from a woman who pisses me off. Or is that a thing of the past?

Doesn’t Blaire piss me off anymore?

Did she ever? Or was that a mask for my inexplicable attraction and desire for her?

“You wanted to congratulate me on the merger, right?” she asks, smiling now and changing the Copyright 2016 - 2024