Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,37

I allowed this to happen, but I can’t believe a man is capable of making me feel this way.

I’ve had my fair share of lovers. Sure, I don’t sleep around as much as people think I do, but I’m experienced in the sack. I have been pretty sure that a man can’t show me something I’ve never seen before. And yet, Trevor has shattered that glass of conviction.

What did he do that’s making me throb between my legs even now? My feet have turned to jelly. I’m standing with my hands curled tightly on the edge of my desk. I want to sit down, but I don’t want to move either.

There’s a light knock on my door, and my heart slams against my chest. Is he back?

I hope he is. I want him close to me again.

It’s Erica who pops her head around the door.

“Oh!” I exclaim and she steps in. She’s carrying a few files under her arm, and even though she’s smiling faintly, she gives the appearance of someone who is very busy.

“Mr. Davenport wanted me to discuss the meeting schedule with you. He said you were going to decide and let me know.”

Erica comes towards me, and I’m still too dazed to fully grasp what she’s saying. My vision feels blurry. No orgasm I have ever experienced before has had this long-lasting effect on me.

But then I see her stop in her tracks. She is looking at the floor, and I follow her gaze.


I forgot about my panties on the floor. They’re still there where Trevor pulled them off me. Erica’s gaze is frozen to the spot. Several moments of silence go by. My cheeks are flushed, burning red. I don’t know how to handle it. How to make this moment go away.

She can’t un-see what she’s seen. She knows Trevor was in my office just minutes ago.

She finally looks up at me, and her nostrils are flared. Is it anger I catch on her face?

“Just give me a call when you’ve decided what you want to do,” she says curtly and walks out of my office with her back straight as a rod.

I find myself breathing heavily when she’s left. It’s Monday morning, and I’m already desperate for the weekend.

Kim meets me at our usual cafe for lunch. I sent her a text of desperation just half an hour ago, and now we’re sitting across from each other.

“What is going on with you, Blaire?” she asks, sounding very concerned.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you with all this. I know you want to just enjoy Kirk and the pregnancy and…”

Kim reaches her hand out to me and offers me a warm smile. “Don’t be an idiot; just tell me everything.”

So I do.

I hadn’t planned on telling her everything. Not only did I not want to burden her, but I didn’t want to accept it myself. Maybe my mixed feelings for Trevor would go away if I ignored them long enough.

But I can’t ignore them now. Not anymore. I can see that Kim is trying to downplay her surprise when I tell her about what happened in my office. About Erica seeing my underwear on the floor. About how amazing the experience was, and also terrifying and irritating at the same time.

“I am so confused,” I cry out and cover my face with my hands.

“I think I know a little about how that can feel,” she says, and when I look at her, she’s smirking. She and Kirk have already been through their fair share of conflicting emotions and ups and downs.

“But you fell for each other from the moment you met. The only thing holding you guys back was yourselves. Trevor and I don’t even like each other, and then there’s Anya. How is this going to affect her? Should I move out of my apartment now?”

“Don’t make any drastic decisions, Blaire. Maybe it was a one-time thing. You needed to flush him out of your system. If you really do dislike him as much as you say you do.”

I sigh and shake my head. There’s something else I haven’t told her about yet.

“Stephen came to see me today. Actually, this is the second time I’ve seen him recently. He showed up at my old office a couple of weeks ago too. Just like that, out of the blue.”

Kim gulps. I can see the surprise mixed with disapproval on her face. She’s never met Stephen. We weren’t friends back then. However, she’s heard enough about him Copyright 2016 - 2024