A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,24

as much as I did.” Her tears started to fall again. “How did he die?”

“All we can say is that he was murdered.”


Kallie glanced at him and he nodded. She gave a slight nod and answered, “In an abandoned warehouse.”

“An abandoned warehouse? Someone made him go then.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He despised anything dirty. He absolutely hated anything that wasn’t clean. He couldn’t tolerate any type of bugs or spiders. If he was there, it was because he was being forced into meeting someone there.”

He cleared his throat and both women turned his way. “How did Mr. Treyson travel?”

“He has a car service he sometimes uses, and he owns several cars. We didn’t go out, but Ava and he were always doing things on their nights. I don’t know about what he did with Garrett.”

Kallie took back the interview. “Do you know anyone that would hurt him?”

“You mean besides his dad?” She shook her head. “He was so nice. To everyone.”

“Why do you think his father would wish him harm?”

“Sammy told us the stuff his father did when he was growing up. He’d never win father of the year. I don’t know if he’d actually want to hurt Sammy now that he’s taken over the business here in Hope City, but if anyone would, it would be that horrible man.” Chloe dropped her head into her hands. “What am I going to do without him?”

Kallie reached forward once again and laid her hand on Chloe’s forearm. “It’s moments like this when people discover how strong they actually are. Don’t look at the vast amount of time in front of you. Look at the next minute, and get through that. Sometimes the most important parts of our lives are lived with each tick of the second hand. Think of getting through minute by minute, not hour by hour.”

Chloe shook her head, her big eyes bright with unshed tears. “Who did you lose?”

A sad smile spread across Kallie’s face. “Someone I thought I would have forever to love.”

“Then you know what this feels like?”

“I do. Do we have contact numbers?” Kallie shifted her gaze to him. He saw the pain in those big brown eyes. He nodded. She turned back to Chloe. “Can we get you a ride back to your apartment?”

“Please? I… Yes, please.”

“Hang tight here, and an officer will come back for you, okay?”

Chloe nodded and sniffed as an answer. They both stood and left the interview room. Neither spoke until they hit the stairway. “The father?” she asked.

“Number one on the list to talk to after the wife.”

“When do we talk to her?”

He glanced at his watch. “After we refill with coffee. She lives in Briar Hill.”

“You say that as if it means something.” Kallie up-ended her coffee cup and downed what remained in her mug as they walked to the stairs.

“Richest neighborhood in the city.” They finished the climb in silence. He opened the door to the break room and held it open for her.

Kallie’s forehead scrunched in concentration. “Davidson said the Treysons were well connected?”

“Founding family of Hope City. Sebastian Treyson is worth billions. From what we’ve learned, Samuel was the heir apparent.”

“Do we need to look at siblings?”

“I don’t think so. The other children are minors. Sebastian Treyson is married to the mother, and they live in Switzerland, not here in the States.”

“How did you learn that?”

He took his phone out. “I did a web search this morning while waiting for the crime scene techs to finish up. I also put in for an official background check and snatched a glance at the partial that came back earlier. We’ll grab that when we check on the warrant information so you can get up to speed.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Kallie poured another full cup of coffee and used one of the disposable plastic tops. She watched him doctor his cup. “Holy crap man, how are you not five hundred pounds?”

He laughed and stirred his cream and sugar through the caffeine. “Too much work and not enough sleep.”

“Hey, I live at that street corner. Funny I’ve never met you before.”

“Right. Let’s grab that info, make sure our warrant information is securely stored and head out.”

“After you.” Kallie moved and waved him forward. He pushed off and smiled. Maybe being without Jordan for this case wouldn’t totally suck.


Brock maneuvered the Crown Victoria sedan he and Jordan, now Kallie, used while working into the driveway of the Treyson Residence. As they approached the mansion, a security guard halted their progress.

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