A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,23

vehicles. We have all the data off his phone being downloaded, and it should be on our desks when we get done with the witness interviews, but as far as I could tell, the ride share apps on his phone were inactive. That suggests he drove himself.” He stopped at the next interview room door.

Kallie cocked her head. She arched an eyebrow and nodded at the door. “You taking the lead again?”

“Nope. She’s yours. Word of warning, the waterworks will be flowing on this one. Ava was a mess this morning, but she said Chloe was going to be the one to take it the hardest.”

“No problem.” She winked at him and opened the door.

A petite woman lifted her head. Her red-rimmed, puffy eyes glanced up at them. Her nose and face were blotched, and she looked like shit, but there was an elfin beauty under all the emotion. She was, maybe, ninety pounds soaking wet and as thin as a twig.

“Chloe Connors?” The woman nodded her head and hiccupped a shattered breath.

“I’m Detective Redman, this is Detective King. We’re looking into Samuel Treyson’s murder.”

The woman dissolved into sobs again. She said something completely unintelligible and blew her nose.

“I know. Don’t worry about it.” Kallie reached over and patted the woman’s arm. “Take your time. We know it’s a difficult time.”

He blinked at his partner. How the hell did she know what was said? Kallie grabbed her notebook and placed her pen beside the paper, waiting until Chloe’s tears abated a bit.

“I’m s-so s-sorry.” Chloe blew her nose again. “I just c-can’t believe h-he’s gone.”

“I understand, but we need to ask you a couple questions, okay?” Kallie’s voice was soft and warm, a soothing balm against the woman’s emotional tempest.

“Sure.” Chloe ripped another tissue from the almost empty travel pack in front of her.

“The night Mr. Treyson was murdered, he was supposed to be with you? Right?”

She nodded and blew her nose again. “He called me about 6:30 and told me he had a meeting come up suddenly and he’d see me on our next night.”

“Was that common?”

“Yes and no. Sammy tried to keep his meetings during the workday, but sometimes things came up.”

“Did he say who he was meeting?”

She shook her head. “Sammy didn’t tell me anything about work. We blocked out the world when we were together. I don’t own a television, and I disable the internet so he can disconnect completely. The pressures of his life were so massive. When he came to me, it was just us.”

“Did Mr. Treyson ever mention he wanted to bring another person into your relationship?”

Chloe’s big blue eyes jerked up to Kallie and then fired at him. “Who told you about the others? We aren’t supposed to tell anyone.”

“We’ve already spoken to Ava and Garrett. Garrett said Mr. Treyson was considering adding another to your group.”

She sat up and reached toward Kallie. “You can’t say anything. His father will cause trouble.”

“We don’t release information about ongoing investigations, ma’am.” Kallie gave the standard answer. Chloe’s eyes shot toward him. He nodded his head, confirming Kallie’s statement. Chloe tugged her bottom lip between her teeth and glanced at him again. She shrugged, eventually giving in to the need to talk. “He mentioned he might consider it...”

“Do you know what days this person was going to take?” Kallie’s quiet question earned a slow shake of Chloe’s head.

“Mr. Treyson didn’t say?”

“He said he wanted another with me and Ava. He wanted to watch us. Ava and I doubled a couple times, but there is no chemistry there. It wasn’t exciting… for anyone.”

“And the new person? Have you met them?”

Chloe shook her head. “Sammy… he hadn’t talked about it for a month or so. I’d hoped that I was... That we were enough.” She shrugged and sniffed. “It’s hard knowing you’re not enough to keep the spark in the relationship, you know?”

“Mr. Treyson said that?”

She nodded. “I’m really vanilla. I just loved him. Ava, she’s so confident, and she takes charge. I… I just want to be with him, you know? I’d do anything he asked me to do.”

“Do you think Ava or Garrett would be upset about bringing another into the relationship?”

She sucked in a shuddering breath. “Ava, she likes multiples. She’s the one that talked me into the nights with her. I don’t think she’d care. I don’t talk to Garrett. He doesn’t like us. He barely talks to us when we go on vacation.”

“Do you think he’d hurt Samuel?”

“No. Never. Garrett loved him

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