Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,77

his other hand clings to me like I’m a lifeline.

“What did Jordy tell them?”

“Said he used m-me to get inside. Lied and s-said he’s in a rival g-gang as Alejandro.”

“But that’s bullshit,” I snap. “Why can’t it just be a slam dunk case? Your sister was in danger and you saved her. Jordy did what he did to protect you both.”

He swipes at his tears. “B-Because it’s n-not that simple. Either way, he’s in deep s-shit for killing four men. This way, I stay clean.”

“What are you going to do?”

“J-Juno and Mike and your mom all told me I need to just let Jordy do what he wants. Then I’m still out here f-for Roux.”

“Oh, fuck, Roan. I’m so sorry.”

He rests his forehead on our conjoined hands. “I just need t-to think. I just need to sleep.”

“Sleep,” I murmur, squeezing his hand. “Sleep. Then we’ll figure it out together.”

His breathing comes out soft and rhythmic a moment later. It lulls me into my own nap. At least when we’re sleeping, we don’t have to deal with all the unfair bullshit.

We’re going to figure this out.

We have to.


Two months later…

His dark eyes are vacant. Jordy is no longer the kid playing basketball with me or fucking with me about my lack of cooking skills. No, he’s dressed in a cheap suit that probably belongs to his dad awaiting his sentencing.

I hate how resigned he is to his future.

Hollis grips my hand so tightly, I think my bones will break. It would feel better than the shredding of my heart.

Roux fidgets from beside me. She’s upset. We both are. But there’s nothing we can do. Jordy was adamant about what really went down. Some fake ass story that the cops pretty much rolled their eyes over, but one they accepted, nonetheless.

Rival gangs.

I was some tool for him to get to Alejandro.

He swore to them that I was just there to visit my sister, not kidnap her like Mom claimed. The gangsters attacked me and Roux, and then Jordy killed those men. He told them it was convenient, because they needed to die anyway. For gang related reasons.

During the trial, they attempted to get answers from Jordy. The name of the supposed gang he was with. Why they had beef with Alejandro. How come he told the cops during the standoff he was protecting us and never mentioned these alleged gangs. It was a shitshow and Jordy just sat there stone-faced and quiet. The one time he decided to speak was to plead guilty. Everyone was pissed off. The lawyers. The judge. Us. But what can you do when someone just willingly takes the heat for shit?


My mind drifts to the one time we spoke.

“My attorney says I’m going to prison no matter what I tell them,” Jordy says, swallowing. “No need to have them drag you through the mud.”

“It’s not dragging me through the mud,” I hiss. “It’s being honest as to why we were there. She was being assaulted. I went there to save her. You were worried, so you came too. The four men were trying to hurt us. You killed them. The fucking end, Jordy. We all go home. Together.”

He shakes his head, his dark eyes sad as they probe me. “We’re not boys anymore, man. We’re adults. Your mom’s claim means you’re looking at serious jail time for attempted kidnapping. Years, Roan. You have a future.”

“Oh, give me a fucking break,” I snap. “You have a future too and you’re ruining it. Ruining everything.”

“For Roux,” he growls. “And you. Besides, I’m not ruining everything. I’m being smart. For once in my damn life, I’m being smart. You ‘visiting’ your sister and getting caught up in a gang war keeps you both innocent and victims. I’m going to prison either way, so I may as well keep you clean.”

“This is bullshit! You were defending us!”

“I think it’s time for you to go. It’s done, brother.”

I hastily swipe at my tears. “It’s not done. I’ll tell them all this. That it’s all just your way of protecting us. You’ll get a lesser sentence. You can come back to us.”

His features grow cold. “I’ll deny it.” He sneers. “I used you. To kill those motherfuckers.”

“Stop, Jordy,” I beg. “Please. The cops who responded already know you were protecting us. Come on, man, we can fix this.”

“This takes the focus off why you were there,” he snaps. “How many times do we need to go over this? They will toss your ass

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