Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,76

from my vantage point.

“What’s wrong?” Dad asks, walking over to me and assessing me. “What’s your pain level?”

“I hurt,” I groan. “It hurts.”

“You had stomach surgery. There will be pain. I’ll go find a nurse.” He pats my hand before leaving.

Mom’s phone rings and she speaks lowly to someone. Then, she hangs up. Her eyes lift to mine, guilt swarming in them.

“Who was that?”


“What did he want?”

She sighs before standing. “To give me an update on the kids. Roux has been discharged and has been released to him. Roan is still here.”

“Where? Why?”

“Just getting CT scans and some other things. Those men beat him up pretty badly.” Her eyes water. “He was lucky Jordy came when he did.”


“How is Jordy? Did he get hurt too? Is he okay?”

Mom frowns. “They arrested him.”


“He shot and killed four men, Hollis.”

I gape at her. “He did?”

“Roan and Roux both say it was to protect them, but it’s a mess right now. Nothing you need to worry about, though. We need you to focus on you.”

Oh God.

Poor Roan.

His best friend killed four men for them.

This will eat him alive with guilt.

“I want to see him,” I beg. “Take me to Roan.”

She walks over to me and takes my hand. “As soon as we can, we’ll make it happen.”

I wake to whispered voices.

Mike and Mom.

“Perhaps you two should take this conversation elsewhere,” a pissed off voice snarls. Dad. “He’s trying to rest.”

I crack my eyes open. Mike has his arm around Mom, hugging her as she cries. Dad is pacing, eyeing Mike like he’s carrying the plague.

“Where’s Roan?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

Dad rushes over to me and pours me a glass of ice water. “Here. Drink this.”

I take his offered glass and gulp down the cold drink. Mom and Mike both stand and walk over to me.

“How you feeling, kid?” Mike asks me.

“I’ll feel better when I see my boyfriend.”

Mike smiles. “You’re just as annoying as Roan is. I’m here because his bossy ass made me come check on you.”

I relax my body, happy as hell. “Is he okay?”

“Another concussion. Some internal bleeding, but they’ve got all that under control. They’re keeping him for monitoring.”

“Where’s Roux?”

“Aunt Karen came and got her,” Mom replies. “Poor thing was exhausted.”

“Jordy still at the station?” I ask, frowning.

Mom’s lips purse together. “It doesn’t look good for him. His parents and brother are there. They’ve hired an attorney. We don’t know much yet.”

Mike clutches Mom’s shoulder, which makes my dad snort with disgust.

“Why do you all seem like there’s more bad news?” I hate that they’re both looking at me sadly.

“Miranda woke up. She’s claiming someone drugged her. Keeps asking about her baby girl.” Mom’s face reddens with anger. “She told the police Roan was there to kidnap Roux.”

Oh shit.

“I told Roan to keep his mouth shut,” Mike grunts. “I don’t want him incriminating himself. The police already have record of having to take Roux from Roan, so kidnapping isn’t a far stretch.”

“This is bullshit,” I mutter. “She’s an incompetent druggie.”

“It’s all a mess right now,” Mom agrees. “For now, worry about getting better.”

Feeling helpless to do anything but sleep, I close my eyes and dream of Roan.

Soft flutters on my hand wake me from my slumber. I’ve slept off and on for the last couple of days since I had surgery. None of those days have I seen or spoken to Roan.

Yet, here he is.

Sitting in a chair beside my bed, rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand.

“Roan,” I whisper.

He lifts his head and I cringe. His face is black and blue. One eye is swollen almost all the way shut and he has stitches on his cheek. His bottom lip is busted in two spots.

“Hey,” he mumbles. “Long time no see.”

“What happened to you?”

He closes his eyes and a tear leaks out. My heart breaks at seeing him so destroyed. His entire body trembles as he loses it. All I can do to comfort him is squeeze his hand.


“Everything’s so fucked up, Hollis. Everything.”

“Talk to me, babe. Tell me.”

He coughs, clearly trying to compose himself, but he fails. His words come out as sobs. “S-She told them I was there to k-kidnap Roux. D-Defended that fucker Alejandro.” He sniffles and lets out a sharp sigh. “Jordy lied t-too. To p-protect me.”

“Oh no.”

“If I c-contradict what he says, I’ll go to j-jail t-too. I don’t know what the f-fuck to do.” He trembles as he cries. His free hand tugs at his hair in frustration while

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