Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,74


I can hear sirens close by and I pray to God this will all be over soon.

“I want to leave,” Roux begs, practically crawling up Jordy’s torso. “Please, Jordy. Take me away from here.”

He tries to push her off him, but she clings tighter. I grip her leg, fearful she’ll run away and I’ll never see her again. The three of us are a fucking mess.

“Please, Jordy,” she wails. “Please.”

“It’s not safe, Little Hoodlum.” His tone is colder than anything I’ve ever heard before.

A loud voice booms from a speaker. “Come out of the bedroom with your hands up.”

Roux screams, clawing at Jordy, trying to hide her face in his neck. I cling to them both, terrified as fuck. Jordy keeps his gun pointed at the doorway like more bad guys are going to walk right through it.

The music that was playing has long since been turned off. I can hear men whispering to each other and heavy footsteps thudding. Someone tells someone else to get a paramedic. There’s an unresponsive female in one of the rooms. I also hear the words, “Suspect is armed and has hostages.”

That’s not right.

He’s the hero, not the suspect.

“Roan,” Roux sobs. “I’m scared.”

“M-Me t-too.” Why the fuck is my voice shaking so bad?

“Sir,” the voice booms again. “Lower your weapon so no one else gets hurt.”

“They deserved it,” Jordy barks out. “They tried to rape a thirteen-year-old girl!”

“I’m Captain Fitzgerald. Let’s talk this out, son. What’s your name?”

“Jordy Martinez.”

“Listen, Jordy, I know you’re scared. Who do you have with you?”

“Roan and Roux. I’m protecting them.”

I squeeze my best friend and my sister as though I can protect them with an embrace.

“I can see that. We’ll get all that sorted out at the station,” Fitzgerald assures him. “You have to put the gun down, though. We don’t want you to accidentally get someone shot.”

“Please don’t shoot Jordy,” Roux begs them.

“Sweetheart,” Fitzgerald says. “We’re going to do our best not to let that happen. I have to protect my officers and the both of you, though. If Jordy does exactly as we say, no one will get hurt.”

I try to sit up but everything hurts too fucking bad. All I can do is stay in the fetal position beside them.

“Jordy,” Fitzgerald says in a calm voice. “Can you let Roux come out through the door?”

“No!” Jordy yells. “Alejandro’s friends are out there! Look what they already did to her and Roan!”

“I can assure you, son, the only people out here are officers and paramedics. We only want to help.”

“Let me see your badge,” Jordy growls. “So I know you’re not one of them.”

“Lower your weapon and I’ll be glad to show you.”

Jordy relaxes his arm, letting his hand that’s holding the gun rest on my shoulder. “Show me.”

Fitzgerald holds up a badge, the metal glinting in the light. “See. I’m the captain of the Hood River police department. I’m safe. Can you set the gun on the floor where I can see it?”

“Do you have any women?” Jordy asks. “For Roux?”

“Officer Kline is here.”

“You can call me Jessica,” Officer Kline says from nearby. “I’ll be able to help Roux. Can she come to me, Jordy?”

Jordy hugs Roux and kisses her head. “Go, Roux. It’s safe.”

“I’m scared,” Roux whines.

“We’re right b-behind you,” I mutter, my teeth still chattering.

“Okay,” she whispers.

She stands up on shaky legs and walks around the bed, stepping over two bodies. When she nears the door, a blond female officer bravely reaches for her, pulling her over the other two dead men. There is commotion and relieved voices on the other side.

“Great job, Jordy,” Fitzgerald says. “You did a good job. Now we just need to help Roan. Is he hurt?”

“I…I…I don’t know.” Jordy sounds tired and confused. “I hope he’s okay.”

I try to nod, but my head is killing me. “I’ll be all right.”

“Maybe you should go hang out at the hospital with your rat,” Jordy offers, snorting with inappropriate laughter. “Fuck. Fuck, Roan. What the fuck did I do?”

“Listen,” Fitzgerald says in his calming voice. “We’re not going to worry about all that right now. If we do, then everyone will get upset. We need you to make good decisions right now, Jordy. And a good decision would be to set that gun down. Then, shove it away.”

“Am I going to die?” Jordy asks, his voice cracking. “I don’t want to die.”

I start to cry because I’ve seen the movies. They always shoot the guy trying to help. Jordy is only trying

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