Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,73

against the door with all my might. I’m able to make my way inside. I stumble over some shit on the floor and then swing at Alejandro. He ducks, tossing Roux into the floor, and then puts his fists up. I swing for him again, but someone kicks me hard in the back.


“Roux, go,” I order, just as Alejandro clocks me in the jaw.

I sway on my feet and aim a hard punch at his stomach. He groans but recovers quickly, pushing me toward Franco. Franco kicks the back of my knee, causing me to fall to the ground. They both start kicking me hard. Every blow is harder than the last. All I can think about is Roux.

Run, Roux, run.

She lets out a rage-filled cry as she throws her bedside lamp at Alejandro. It hits him in the arm. Doesn’t hurt him, just pisses him off. He chases after her. I manage to kick up at Franco, nailing him in the nuts. He howls, distracted, and I crawl after Alejandro. That fucker has her trapped in the closet. He strikes her, but I tackle him as he does it, making it lose some of its impact. We scuffle in the bottom of the closet, mostly wrestling to get the upper hand.

“Roux, get the hell out of here,” I hiss out, as I punch Alejandro in his ribs.

“Not without you!”

Franco shows up and grabs my sister by the hair, dragging her back into the bedroom. Her screams are maddening. I manage to untangle myself from Alejandro to go after them. Franco is undressing my sister. My thirteen-year-old sister. When I see her naked ass, I lose my mind with fury. I tackle him and start pummeling his face. Blind rage takes over. I’m about to slam my fist into him again when someone kicks me in the head from behind. I fall over, blacking out. I come to with a knee pressed into my back.




Alejandro is finishing what Franco started. He has her pants and panties off, his hand pawing at her. Tears of hate and sorrow blind me. Why are they doing this? She’s just a kid.

“You fuck with me,” Alejandro bellows, glaring down at me, “I fuck with you.”

He starts to unbuckle his belt and I dry heave. I can’t do this. I can’t see this. God, fucking help us.

All I hear is their maniacal laughter.

It’s fucking haunting.

Alejandro pulls his dick out. His big fucking dick. And I am helpless. I squeeze my eyes shut. Please, God. Please.


I open my eyes, trying to understand how Alejandro is now on the ground in front of me, a big hole in his forehead. Blood is pooling around him.


Franco falls heavily on top of me. My voice is hoarse from screaming for Roux, yet I continue to call out her name. Continue to reach for her. A man comes into the room, stalking straight over to my sister.

“Please don’t hurt her,” I beg. “Please.”

I manage to roll Franco’s body off me and crawl my weak and battered body toward the man who’s touching my sister.

“What the fuck—” someone says from the doorway.


The man shoots this guy too. Is he going to shoot my sister? No, he seems to be helping her pull her pants back up. He’s vibrating with wrath. I grab onto his jeans and look up at him.



It’s fucking Jordy.

He falls to the ground with Roux in his arms. Her entire body trembles as she sobs. I manage to reach over and grab her shaking hand. She and I cry, clinging to one another as Jordy stays deathly still and completely silent.

He’s hurt.

Is he hurt?

Why won’t he say anything?

“J-Jordy,” I chatter out, my entire body overcome with chills.

He doesn’t answer. Doesn’t move.

“What the hell did you do to my—” another guy exclaims from the doorway.


I gape in shock as Jordy puts a bullet through this guy too. This is bad. This is really bad. My hands are shaking as I try to take the gun from him.

“Don’t,” he growls. “I need to get any others who come in here. For Roux.”

I nod, tears leaking down my cheeks. “O-Okay.”

His eyes leave mine and remain affixed on the doorway. I try to hug them both, but Jordy shakes me off. I don’t like this. I don’t like how he’s acting. It scares the fuck out of me.

“J-Jordy, b-bro, we g-gotta g-get outta here.” My voice keeps cracking and breaking. I can’t stop fucking trembling.

“It’s not safe,” Jordy says in an icy

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