Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,62

back into him, but the beautiful sight is stolen from me.




I blink away the heavy darkness to find Roan crouched over me. On the floor. How’d we end up here?

“What the fuck, Hollis?” he hisses. “What just happened?”

I squeeze my eyes shut as a wave of nausea strikes. “I’m going to puke.”

It takes everything in me to scramble toward the bathroom. I’ve barely made it to the toilet before I’m retching. First comes the cheese and crackers. Then, fuck, not again.

“Is that blood?”

My stomach clenches again, splattering more blood against the bowl. “Just go,” I croak out between gags. “Please.”

The sink runs and then a cold rag gets pressed to the back of my neck. Hot tears of embarrassment and self-loathing have more puke coming up. I can’t look at the blood. Not with him also seeing it. It’s one thing for it to happen when I’m alone, but with witnesses, it makes it all too real.

When I’ve emptied my stomach, Roan strokes my back with his fingertips and murmurs, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” I snap, hating the bitterness in my mouth.

“It’s not nothing.”

“It just happens sometimes. I’m fine.”

“You’re not fucking fine,” Roan snarls, rising to his feet. “Something’s wrong.”

I roll my eyes as I yank the cold rag off my neck to wipe my face off. My overnight bag is already on the counter, so I rise on shaky feet, flush the toilet, and then begin brushing my teeth. Roan starts the shower and before I can escape when I’m done with my teeth, he guides me under the hot spray.

“It’s not fine or normal,” he grits out, taking my face in his hands. “Why are you puking blood?”

“I don’t fucking know, okay? Just drop it.”

He shakes his head. “I won’t fucking drop it. You’re sick. You need a doctor.”

Rage swarms up inside me. I had a doctor. My dad. He fucked us up and now I have nothing. I don’t want a doctor. I just want to be left alone.

“Stop,” I bellow, shoving at him. “Just stop.” Tears well in my eyes before spilling down my cheeks. “Mom has enough to worry about. This will just be one more thing.”

Roan’s gaze softens and he pulls me to him, hugging me tight. His fingers run through my hair and he kisses my head as I cry under the spray of the shower. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I don’t want to know. I just want it to go away. I just want my mom to be happy. I just want to be with Roan and not have this other shit get in the way.

“Please go to a doctor,” he begs. “For me. Please.”

I nod and bury my face against his neck. He hugs me tighter. Truth is, every day feels worse on me. Whatever is wrong isn’t just going away. He’s right. I do need to get to the bottom of it.

We make it through the shower and manage to dress in our underwear before crawling back into his bed. He holds me in the dark like he has the power to fix me. I wish that were true.

“I have like two really good things in my life, Hollis, and you’re one of them. Please don’t take that away from me.”

His words hollow out my aching gut.

I’ll go to the doctor. Figure this shit out. If not for me, for Roan. He’s begging me and I won’t let him down. Too many people in his life have already done that. I’ll be damned if I’m another one on that list.


I love watching him sleep. It feels creepy and stalkerish, but I don’t give a fuck. He’s mine. If I want to stare, I’ll stare, goddammit. Before he wakes, his pale face is so serene. Like an angel. I feel like the devil who’s somehow managed to capture something he’s not supposed to have. Hollis is too good for me. I know this, but I don’t care. I’m greedy and selfish enough to keep him anyway.

His pink lips are parted and plump. It makes me want to kiss him. Morning breath and all. I drag my gaze from his pouty lips down his chest to his stomach. A shudder ripples through me. Last night was scary as fuck.


He was puking up blood.

What does it mean?

A million horrible things flit through my mind, every single one of them resulting in them taking him away from me.

I can’t lose him.

I’ve never been so fully obsessed with

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