Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,61

him. His hard dick springs free, slapping against his stomach as I pull the pants off his body. I shed my shirt, loving how he devours me with his hot stare.

“You once called me high-maintenance, but you’re the needy boyfriend. Always needing your big dick sucked on,” I tease, kissing his lips before trailing my tongue down his chest. “I bet you want my fingers in your ass when I suck you off too. Greedy boy.”

He grunts, hunger flashing in his gaze. “Stop talking and start sucking.”

“Suck on these first,” I tell him, pushing my fingers into his mouth. “Get them nice and wet so I can stretch your asshole. My dick is big, man. You’re probably going to scream like a little girl.”

He bites on my fingers, a warning sparking in his eyes.

Not heeding his threatening looks, I grip his dick with one hand and then lick the tip. His hips buck up, desperate for more. I rub at his asshole with my wet fingertip and then push into him. He hisses at the intrusion.

“More,” he rasps out.

I suck on his dick as I offer him another finger. And then another. His body is putty in my hands as I fuck him with three fingers. It only takes a couple of rubs against his prostate before he’s crying out with his release. Hot, salty cum jets into my mouth and I swallow it down. I ease my fingers from his ass and then stand abruptly, eager for round two.

The room spins and I lose my footing. If it weren’t for Roan’s hands suddenly gripping my hips to keep me steady, I would’ve toppled over.

“You okay?”

“I’ll be better when I’m inside you.”

He stands and slings his arm over my shoulders, pulling me to his side as he guides me to his bedroom. Once we’re fully naked, he kneels on the bed.

“I want you to fuck me like this,” he says as he drops to his hands, offering his ass to me. “Claim me like I always claim you.”

“God,” I groan as I snatch up the bottle of lube from the bedside table. “You’re going to kill me with that ass. I won’t last long. Just so we’re clear. I’ve been dreaming about this for weeks, so I’m going to nut the second I’m inside you.”

He laughs. “Too much talk and not enough action.”

I lubricate my naked dick and then climb on the bed behind him. He shudders when I slap my length along the crack of his ass. Then, I slide the tip down the crevasse to his puckered hole. I keep my dick steady with one hand and grab onto his hip with the other.

“I’ll go slow,” I breathe. “Tell me if I need to quit.”

“Don’t quit.”

I smile as I breach the first rings of muscle with my crown. His body tries to force me out at first, but then I’m easily sucked into him thanks to the lube. Inch by inch, I bury my dick inside this beautiful, complicated man. Pleasure threatens to detonate inside me, ending this as quickly as it started, but I manage to keep hold on everything.

Don’t come.

Not yet.

Just a few more moments.

“Can I move?” My words are gruff and needy.

“Yes, please,” he rasps out.

Slowly, I ease out of him and then thrust back. We both groan. Dizziness washes over me. I thrust again, this time harder. My balls slap against his, sending chills running through me. His ass squeezes around my dick and he meets my next thrust when he pushes back against me.



God, this feels good.

I drive into him again, probably too hard, but his groans are the pleasure filled kind.

“Mine,” I murmur. “Mine.”

“Yes,” he hisses out. “Fuck, Hollis, you’re fucking me.”

I smile as I piston my hips again. Waves of delicious ecstasy crash over me. I hit him again and again with my thrusts. When he starts stroking his dick, it’s such a turn on that I lose control. I fuck him hard and quick, needing to claim him.

“Oh, fuck,” I cry out the second my nuts seize up. My dick throbs as jets of hot cum shoot inside him. No barrier. He gets every drop.

“Holy shit,” he groans. His ass milks me as the sound of him stroking himself makes juicy wet noises, indicating he’s found release again as well.

I slide out of him, staring in awe as my cum oozes from his red, battered hole. I want to run my tongue along the sore flesh and press my cum

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