Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,44

cheeks burn bright red again and her bottom lip trembles.

“I was going to say kiss.”

“Oh.” She huffs. “Sorry. I suck at this.” Her finger toys at a strand of her brown hair as she frowns. “I was upset after what Jordy did. They had you taken care of, but I was shaken up. Gio came over to me and hugged me. Asked if I wanted to talk about it. So we went for a walk. It got colder, so we decided to talk more in his tent.” She swallows hard. “I feel like such a whore, Hollis.”

“What? Why?”

“He kissed me. It was sweet. Nice. I really liked it. Too much. I just threw myself at him and started getting naked.” A tear races down her cheek. “He kissed me again. Softly. Then told me to put my shirt back on.” Another tear. “I was devastated at having been rejected. I bawled my eyes out. He just held me. Cuddled me to him. Kept kissing my tears away. When I calmed down, he said he wants to get to know me first. Asked if we could go out on a date. He wants to take me to dinner. Maybe meet his mom. I felt like such a skank.”

“You’re not a skank, Sid.”

“But I am. I’ve been freely giving it up to anyone who’ll give me the time of day. It’s just sex. Empty sex. They never stick around for the after. I didn’t realize I wanted an after.” She chuckles. “Gio isn’t even my type, but he just sees me. I’ve never been seen like that before. I’m excited to go out with him tonight. Not because I think we’ll have sex, but because I want to spend more time with him and argue with him about all the dumb stuff he says. He’s funny and a smartass, but he’s sweet.” Her lips turn up. “He’s a great kisser too.”

“Gio’s a great guy and you’re a great girl. You two need to make a go at it. I’m happy you’re giving him a chance.”

She stands and fishes out my keys from my soaked jeans pocket. “Now that I’m taken care of, we just need to find you a boyfriend.”

I don’t want a boyfriend.

I want a Hoodlum.

“How about we start with my clothes first, Cupid.”


Jordy paces the living room of our garage apartment, looking more broken than ever before. I didn’t realize my best friend was going through some mental shit. Enough that he’d try to kill Hollis over it. It’s fucked up, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.

“Talk to me, man,” I urge, crossing my arms over my chest. “Tell me what’s going through your head.”

I don’t blame him. He’s my brother. In that moment, he probably felt like he was trying to protect us. But normally, he wouldn’t make such a life-changing decision. I don’t need him going to prison for me. I need him here with me.


“I just,” he grits out, rubbing his palms over his buzzed head. “I get so fucking angry sometimes.” He drags his hands over his face, his fingers spread wide, and peeks his dark eyes at me, before letting his hands fall at his side. “You’re family. He’s a threat to my family.”

“Hollis isn’t a threat,” I tell him. “Sure, he’s stirring shit up when it comes to me and Roux, but it’s not like that. He doesn’t intentionally mean to harm us.” I take a step closer to him and grip his shoulder. “He’s just the tip of the iceberg. What’s going on?”

He cracks his neck and walks away from me to continue his pacing. “Just some shit with Juno.”

His brother Juno who owns the garage can be a mega dick. At one time, he used to whip up on Jordy. Then, Jordy bulked up so he could return the ass kicking. Ever since, Juno has left him alone. They get along enough for Jordy to work there with him. Their parents are older and oblivious to their sons’ troubles. His mom doesn’t speak English and thinks her boys do no wrong. Their father is a workaholic who works long hours at the tire factory.

“Is he being an asshole again?”

“Juno’s always being an asshole. This is…” He lets out a heavy sigh. “He’s mixed up with some people.”

“What kind of people?”

“Fucking gangstas.”

“Juno? Since when?”

“Since he’s been struggling at the shop. Did some jobs for a guy named Renaldo. Mostly just chopping some stolen cars.”

I frown, rubbing the tension from

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