Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,43

than nothing.

“But you’re gay,” he growls. “I’m…”

“Don’t fucking say it.”

Our eyes snap to each other. The word was on the tip of his tongue. I kiss him, stealing it from his lips and devouring it.

“You’re Roan,” I murmur. “You’re not nothing.”

He kisses me harder, his hips rocking wildly against me. Our breathing becomes ragged as he takes us closer to the edge. The moment I start to come, I grip his hair and arch my back, aching for every movement against me. His mouth finds my neck. He bites me and then sucks with enough vigor, he’ll leave a mark. My cum jets out hot and thick, soaking our bellies between us. It’s slick and he groans against my neck.

“I’m checking on them, dipshit,” Terrence bellows as he stumbles into the cabin.

Roan tenses up and his heart pounds through his chest to dance with mine. His cock pulses against my slick skin, throbbing with the need for release.

“We’re fine,” Roan says, his voice tight. “He’s still alive.”

Terrence lets out a sharp breath before falling onto the covers behind Roan. Roan is stiff, his face still against my neck. Within seconds, Terrence is breathing deeply with sleep. I slide my hand between us, wetting my hand in my cum, and then wrap my hand around Roan’s dick. Long, thick, hot. He chokes on a moan.

“Shh,” I murmur as I stroke him. “Don’t wake him.”

Roan’s lips press to my flesh and his hips flex slightly, meeting my hand at each stroke. I use my cum like lube and give him the best damn hand job considering our shitty situation. It only takes a few expert tugs before his dick swells and throbs out his release. He soaks us even more, but I love it. I greedily steal these moments with him because who the fuck knows what tomorrow will look like.

“Fuck,” Roan whispers.

“Yeah, fuck.”

I feel his smile on my neck and damn if that doesn’t feel better than blowing my load all over the hottest mean boy I’ve ever met.

He’s going to kill me.

And not in the way Jordy’s psycho ass nearly did.

Roan has stuck his hand inside my chest and plucked my heart from its cage. It beats like crazy in his fist. He can keep it, or he can crush it. No matter what he does, it won’t matter. I’ve given it to him, and it scares the shit out of me, because I know I’ll never get it back.

“Still alive?”

I blink open my eyes, instantly feeling aches in every muscle, as I seek out the sound of the sweet, feminine voice. “Define alive.”

Sidney laughs. “You’re talking, so you lived. I thought having to spend the night with the Hoodlums, you’d for sure be dead meat.”

I sit up and survey the cabin. Everyone’s gone. “Where’d everybody go?”

“No one sticks around past noon on Saturdays after Campfire Chaos. We’re some of the last few. You’re my ride, so…”

“Oh, shit. Sorry. I was completely out of it.”

“Someone had a good dream,” Sidney says, darting her eyes to my bare abs that are crusted with a fuck ton of cum.

Well, that’s awkward.

“Um…” I rake my fingers through my hair and give her a frantic look. “It’s…”

“It happens,” she says with a laugh. “I’ll pretend it was me you were thinking about.”

I grin at her. “Because that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable.”

She stands and walks into the kitchen area. I’m still scanning the cabin, looking for clothes, when she returns with a wet rag.

“Where’s my bag?”

“Still in the car,” she says, tossing the rag at me. “I’ll go grab it. Wanted to make sure you were alive first. It would have been wasted efforts to go grab clothes for a corpse.” She smiles sweetly.

I shake my head at her as I scrub off my mess, trying not to give this girl too much of a show. “Nice, Sid.”

“Not to mention, I didn’t want to miss a naked shot.” She shrugs her shoulders. Her words are meant to be playful, though. Something’s different with her.

“Where’s Gio?”

Her face blushes bright red. “He went home.”

“Is he okay?”

“Of course he’s okay,” she says grumpily. “Why wouldn’t he be?”

“It was just a question. I didn’t see him after all that shit that happened.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and frowns. “Sorry. I’m feeling…”



“And why’s that?”

“You were right.”

My brows hike up. “With Gio?”

“Yeah. He’s…I don’t know how to explain him. He just sees a me not many people do.”

“Did you two…”

“Fuck? Because that’s what I’m known for?” Her

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