Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,39

attracted to assholes like the Hoodlums? How’s that working out for you?”

She rolls her eyes. “Ugh. They’re such dicks. Gio does make me laugh and he doesn’t ever try to stick his tongue down my throat or cop a feel.” Then, she stiffens. “What if he doesn’t want to ask me out?”

At this, I laugh. “Are you serious? That boy is obsessed with you. Show one ounce of interest and he’ll ask you out in a heartbeat.”

“Obsessed? Why? What did he say about me?”

I try to mimic Gio, which makes Sidney giggle. “She’s so sassy, Hollis. Her lips. Look at them. She’s running her head about the craziest shit and I can’t look away.”

“That asshole,” she shrieks, swatting at me. “I do not run my head.”

“You totally do, but it’s endearing.”

She lets out an exaggerated huff. “Fine.”


“I won’t tell anyone but Gio and I’ll let him take me out if he asks.”

“He’ll ask.”


It’s cold as fuck tonight, but I love it. Something about the way it numbs me to my soul, I can’t get enough of. Lately, everything hurts inside, and the bone-chilling is a preferable ache. People are everywhere. Each Friday night, probably half—the cool half—of the seniors show up. Everyone piles around one of the main cabins sleeping in tents and vehicles. Cal usually builds a big-ass bonfire that somehow reaches higher than the cabin and still manages not to burn the forest down.

Tonight feels different.

Rather than relaxed and happy in one of my few retreats in my world, I’m anxious. Unnerved. Jumpy. It has everything to do with the fact Hollis is planted on a log beside Sidney and Gio. While Sidney is a Campfire Chaos regular, Gio and Hollis are not. It’s as though the freaks have infiltrated our fun.

I could have said no.

I could have looked Kelsey in the eye and told her he wasn’t invited.

But she was so happy he was included. She wanted to keep Roux for the night. I just couldn’t do that to her. I may be an asshole to a lot of people, but unfortunately it seems as though Kelsey isn’t one of them.

Jordy bumps my shoulder with his and hands me a beer. I sip it, my stare never leaving Hollis. Snow flutters down but melts as it nears the heat of the fire. Even wearing my coat, heavy jeans, and boots, I’m still not warm.

“He needs to go,” Jordy mutters under his breath that reeks of someone hitting the bottle a little too hard tonight. “After everything he did…” He trails off, an angry silence finishing his statement.

After everything he did to me and Roux.

Problem is, he didn’t really do anything. Not directly. If anyone is to blame, it’s his mother. And I’ve already established how I feel about getting pissy with her. Hollis is just an easier target for blame. He practically begs for it. Like he’s a goddamn martyr.

“How is Roux?” Jordy asks before chugging his beer. “Is she sad?”

His question pokes a hole right in my heart. Jordy may be a lot of things—unhinged, psycho, mean—but he’s nothing but loving when it comes to me and my sister.

“She likes Mike’s place. Has a good view of some ducks.”

We both laugh.

Our laughter earns Hollis’s stare. I hold his eyes with mine as I continue to talk to Jordy. The heat of the gaze from the porcelain boy is hotter than the bonfire flames.

“It’s safe. One full night there and I could tell a difference, man. She’s not so tense. The haunted look in her eyes isn’t fully there.” I break Hollis’s heated stare to look at my best friend. “If a day away from that fuckface Alejandro and my mom makes her feel that good, imagine what a lifetime will do.”

His eyes darken into demonic orbs that would scare the fuck out of anyone but me. I understand Jordy’s intensity. He loves violently. “You think they’ll ever pull some shit and try to get her back?”

I shrug. “She’s her mom. Right now, no. Mom is a skanky addict. So, legally, no. Now I wouldn’t put it past them to do some shady shit, especially Alejandro.”

Jordy grips the back of my neck and pulls me to him, our foreheads pressed together. “He can fucking try,” Jordy growls. “But I promise you he’d die trying.”

Someone whistles, pulling us from our deep conversation.

“Carson got some roman candles,” Cal calls out. “Who wants to shoot shit off the bridge?”

He’s drunk as shit already.

Terrence nods at me, understanding my concerned look.

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